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  1. wotanskrieger

    Just to let you outdoor growers know--there out there look now!

    Yeh, I've totally used GOOGLE Earth for that :)
  2. wotanskrieger

    Desert Watering

    Hey, Symetre. Palm Springs area as well. No longer growing due to child now, but thinking of a guerrilla grow. Have fun, man! PS, I wouldn't mist w/ this humidity. Are your babies starting to flower already?
  3. wotanskrieger

    Nice name :) My pitbull's name is Loki <3

    Nice name :) My pitbull's name is Loki <3
  4. wotanskrieger

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    Those appear to be some fresh lookin' nuggets. I ain't no scientist though.
  5. wotanskrieger

    question about hid and height

    Anyone? :p
  6. wotanskrieger

    question about hid and height

    I've always been informed that ones HPS' should be as close to the plants as possible for a.) maximum lumens and b.) to avoid node stretching. However, why is it then that these big grow rooms keep their lights hung very high without adjusting the height in accordance with the plant growth...
  7. wotanskrieger

    Newbie with some Q's about DWC

    What's Gh 3 ...please elaborate w/ your technique, schedules etc.
  8. wotanskrieger

    Newbie with some Q's about DWC

    Greetings everyone! First of all, I have never grown via DWC/hydroponics. I am thinking about making my own setup using a large rubbermaid storage container (like a 30 gallon or something) and using parts from a pet store. That much I think I can handle, yay me! w00t! :clap: My question is, does...
  9. wotanskrieger

    Question of the Day....????

    I think the best thing you could do, is simply plant your seeds (one seed per cup) in plastic dixie style cups. Just fill up the plastic cup with good, moist soil and wait til they pop out and re-pot them after 2 or 3 weeks. Never fails.
  10. wotanskrieger

    Guerilla Growing... Join in!

    all of you are full of it...hahahaha...
  11. wotanskrieger

    Nutrients (help, please!)

    Hey, thanks man :) I will keep this in mind....I need to do some purchasing soon....input is highly appreciated!
  12. wotanskrieger

    So I read...

    and now i ask....can i harvest the buds then throw her straight back into a flowering state? or does she need to veg for a while first? lol.
  13. wotanskrieger

    Nutrients (help, please!)

    Okay, second's doing good, thus far...however, i am not very successful with understanding the whole concept. are know there are bundles with charts and all the fancy stuff...but all i know is that nutrients high in P is good for flowering. so i water my girls every other day, and use...
  14. wotanskrieger

    So I read...

    well then folks, i'll give'r a try :) i'm no seasoned grow, so i may screw it all up lol.
  15. wotanskrieger

    Maximum Yield

    sweeet,...i'll have to finish reading when i'm not at
  16. wotanskrieger

    Does anyone know...

    sweeeeet man...i forgot all about that site...thanks! that should work...30 buckaroos is worth trying out.
  17. wotanskrieger

    So I read...

    ...on a newbie post that one can harvest the buds from a lady, then put her back into vegetative and do it all over again? WTF? This came from an experienced grower giving out info. Is this true? Thanks, Wotanskrieger.
  18. wotanskrieger

    Does anyone know...

    ...where I can buy an inline fan that isn't going to cost me a 1/3 of a paycheck? I keep my eyes on craigslist, but something that I can "add to cart" and have it sent to my house? lol! Jesus, they're just as much as a ballast and hood setup :/
  19. wotanskrieger

    help fast +REP

    looks fine to me man. just lay off any nutes until she gets a little bigger. don't underwater, don't over water...make sure to ph your water every time you water! some may have different advice, but i say 6.2ish is good for soil. make sure there's plenty of ventilation, etc. good luck, man.
  20. wotanskrieger

    Second Grow...

    Anyone? WTF?................