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  1. W

    After days of Searching, Still No Clue Whats Wrong

    Okay, so these guys are 3 weeks old from seed. Some plants seem healthier than others. However, they all exhibit the same symptoms which range in intensity from plant to plant. They show yellow spots on the older leafs, the new ones seem healthy. Some plants exhibit darker spots. I have...
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    Instead of Molasses Maple Syrup?

    Thanks guys, I cant seem to get my hands on molasses.
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    Instead of Molasses Maple Syrup?

    Can you use maple syrup instead of molasses?
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    Spotty leaves

    It is probably due to the ph. Make it lower than neutral, you want 5.3 to 6.5 PH. You can add epsom salt, do it if the problem consists with the ph in the appropriate level.
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    Organic Nute Solution

    Hello I have recently developed a mag/cal deficiency due to PH. I added epsom salt, and now i am waiting for the result. However, over the course of searching for a solution for a problem, I learned that organic nutes are more unstable, and cause ph fluctuations. Is this true? Here is the link...
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    Spotty leaves

    Dont take my word for it, but it might be calcium or mg lockup. I think i have the same problem. Add epsom salt, and make sure ph is in the right range.
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    Radioshack Hydro Reviews

    I was shopping around for a microscope to look at the buds, and see which ones to harvest. I stumbled to the Radioshack site, and when I looked at the reviews, 3/4 of them were cannabis related.
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    Cool Tube Glass

    I found a site that sells clear glass tubes at desired dimensions. They are pretty cheap, here is the site
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    WAL~MART grow, my 1st

    Walmart sells seeds?
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    is there anything else you can use for c02

    I use a 1 gal water bottle with yeast and sugar. Lasts me 2 weeks.
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    Good deal on a 400 HPS

    I found a good deal on a 400 watt hps on ebay with a digital ballast. here it is...
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    My plants + NEW 400w HPS! (pics)

    How did you get a HPS for 75 dollars?
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    Slinger36s The Church CFL Journal (PICS!)

    I think your light may be too close to your plant.
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    How to make a hydro-drip system?

    you got those fittings at home depot? Are you 100% sure they are sold there, because I am about to head out and buy some.
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    400 Watt HPS

    Thanks guys. My grow room is in a place where noise would be a defnate threat to its secrecy. Im getting a 400 of HTGS, just wanted to be sure.
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    Drip System

    I tried searching for this but I havent gotten solid returns. I need to make a drip system for my plants, and I need to get my hands on some terminal drippers, and some compression tubing. Where can I get that? I searched online, and it seems like those are parts which ace hardware, menards, or...
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    400 Watt HPS

    I was on youtube looking them up, and there were videos showing 1000 watt HPS that were very loud. Are 400s just as loud or not at all?
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    Will5437's First grow

    Great idea
  19. W

    Hey, I read your Grow a pound every three weeks post, and I am curious as to how you set your...

    Hey, I read your Grow a pound every three weeks post, and I am curious as to how you set your pump to run for 1 min on 5 off. What timer did you use? The ones I found only let me set 15 min intervals.
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    Will5437's First grow

    Yeah, I know. I was hoping you guys here could actually help me with that. I leave the plants at home while I go to school, so I can only water them once a week. I make sure the water is moist before I leave, but now Im starting to get mold. I have a drip system but it sucks. Its a rainbird, and...