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  1. The Waiter

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    Thanks nice ol bud i appreciate it. If it wasnt so unsafe i would tell u where i was at so we could chief down on some dank ass reefer then go stoner beatdown that thieving motherfucker lol
  2. The Waiter

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    Thats why im gonna let my dog attack the motherfucker. I wont let him kill em but ill definitely let him taste a little blood
  3. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    Thats so crazy. Ive literally never found a seed in any good bud ever. And then my buddy buys this qp and now we have a fuckin plethora of seeds lol
  4. The Waiter

    fkin pissed. fuckin airstones... fuckin hydro

    That looks pretty sweet. Ive actually wondered about just poking a bunch of small holes in regular hose and then fastening the hose to the bottom of my dwc bucket as an alternative to using an airstone. I think it would work if there were enough holes and it was wrapped around the bucket in...
  5. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    So basically what you're saying is stress these plants out as little as possible?
  6. The Waiter

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    ^Thanks for the advice bird. Ive been asking around town and only tellin people about the tv and subs gettin stolen. But im definitely gonna stake the mother fucker out who did it. I ran into one of em while i was walking my dog and the bitch tried to run away. And then when i caught up to him...
  7. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    So if that was the case do you think the seeds are feminised?
  8. The Waiter

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    hmmm well im out of ideas for the time being. Ill see if i can think up anything cheap and creative
  9. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    This should help
  10. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    I know i could hardly fuckin believe it. I needed something good to come my way since my fully matured plant got stolen out of my closet in a robbery while i was gone on christmas break :/
  11. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    I definitely will. I cant wait man. This will be my first time really growing with good genetics. I have just used seeds from some regs in the past so it will be interesting to see the difference in genetics.
  12. The Waiter

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    3 cords 3 splitters and 6 bulbs=maybe $15-20 plus $2 a month(if that much)
  13. The Waiter

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    Have u tried puttin a few cfls around ur res? Not only could they bring some light to the lower fluffy buds but it might heat ur res up too. Just another thought.
  14. The Waiter

    boys or girls??.....again!!!!

    Looks like some ninos to me
  15. The Waiter

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    Ya that would be a little excessive buying six water pumps just to up ur temps by a few degrees lol. You could try breathing hot air on the reservoirs all day hahaha
  16. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    My brother suggested that and honestly thats the only thing that really makes since right? cause it would seem that if the plant did pollinate itself it would mean there would be some seeds in all the bud not a bunch in one bud. Maybe the guy just thought his attempt to pollinate was unsuccesful...
  17. The Waiter

    Strangest fuckin think ive ever seen!!!!!

    Ok so my buddy bought a quarter pound of what the weed man called "monkey balls". It was some real dank. Heres where it gets strange. One nug out of the whole bag was filled with seeds. Like around 20 seeds. Can anyone explain this to me? The nug that the seeds were in was definitely the same...
  18. The Waiter

    Minimum DWC Res Temps?

    What kind of reservoir are you using? You could throw a submersible water pump in your res to heat things up a bit. Plus a little bit of extra circulation can never hurt anything
  19. The Waiter

    2nd Grow DWC Journal

    I appreciate man. +rep back to ya. Should have clone pics up tomorrow. Its definitely the best looking plant i have ever grown so far. Its only the 4th plant ive ever grown but i feel like ive learned a shit ton since my first grow and ive been able to apply the knowledge i have acquired more...
  20. The Waiter

    You gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!!

    Thats fucking ridiculous. I don't understand what is wrong with people today. If something is not yours don't fuck with it. Thats kindergarten shit.