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  1. HARDBODYyadig

    Cant Get To The Middle Plants

    A lot of growers clip off the first 1/3 of their plants. In turn the plants focus more on the top part of the plant and you get bigger/more potent buds. It may be too late for you to start this though, im not a pro.. yet haha ;)
  2. HARDBODYyadig

    My house stinks really bad(good) help

    Thanks for the idea man, I just learned a ton just from reading the first site that came up!
  3. HARDBODYyadig

    HoLE's 3rd Grow

    im impressed man, very nice turnout for only having that many plants! HoLE for president! hahaha
  4. HARDBODYyadig

    What did you think of marijuana as a kid?

    I saw this vid and had to post it here... lol YouTube - Tim Meadows Marijuana Warning
  5. HARDBODYyadig

    First Grow - Dr. Atomic - Atmoic Northern Lights

    Looking really good so far bud, hope for the best for you and your girls. I'll be coming back frequently to check em out! I salute your organization!
  6. HARDBODYyadig

    Anyone been waiting a while for order from nirvana?

    how many seeds are we talking? I wouldn't get too worried yet about that, unless you ordered 100+ seeds.. If they were confirmed shipped then its customs holding them up. Just be patient and hope for the best
  7. HARDBODYyadig

    Ounce of homegrown? $$

    It was homegrown, but like i said it was dank. If I couldnt get it cheaper, I would most likely buy it for 400 an oz, well worht it in my eyes. Smoked a blunt of it the other day and I was high for 5 hours (I smoke everyday)
  8. HARDBODYyadig

    does anyone know how to make an acid trip stronger?

    If you drop with a group of people you'll have a good time. I like to think that laughing makes me higher with any drugs I do. I try to surround myself with my good friends when I do drugs because I know they will always make me laugh in some sort of way.
  9. HARDBODYyadig

    LSD Ideas

    If you end up doing it, let me know how it goes for you. Make sure to go at night though haha
  10. HARDBODYyadig

    snorting ecstasy

    I really wouldn't recommend it..
  11. HARDBODYyadig

    trippy movies

    Watch the movie "The Decent" on acid and you will think of the world differently forever.
  12. HARDBODYyadig

    LSD Ideas

    If you live in an area with buses and people frequent them, go for a bus ride. It will be the time of your life, this I promise you.
  13. HARDBODYyadig

    Ounce of homegrown? $$

    Depends on where you live and prices around you. I was driving a ways to get some homegrown dank for 250$ an oz and selling it back home for 20$ (G)/60$ (1/8)/ 100$ 1/4)/ 200$ half/ 400$ oz. Mostly gram sales too so I was making bank.
  14. HARDBODYyadig

    Does Piss Help Your Plant Grow?

    lol.. dont ruin your crop dude
  15. HARDBODYyadig

    Conservative ways of lighting your herb

    If your an experienced smoker you should know how to light your bowls good enough to make it last. I usually just light a little corner and don't have to light the bowl ever again. Never would have thought of that though, good idea if it works
  16. HARDBODYyadig

    A resin question

    Resin hitting your bowls/bongs is a way to get high when you run out of weed and have no other way to get it at that time. Pretty much the bottom of the barrel.. Sometimes I don't even stoop that low