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  1. ttumaddawg

    My first lady!

    better get a pink cigar
  2. ttumaddawg

    My first lady!

    atta girl!
  3. ttumaddawg

    what's your widow taste like?

    "if you smoke too much of the pez; you turn into a giggling idiot!" hahaha....that's hilarious
  4. ttumaddawg

    Super Silver Haze, "Green House seeds" OR "Sensi seeds" i could have won Last Comic Standing with that line i forgive you:weed:
  5. ttumaddawg

    Is this a good buy

    sorry bro i just checked out your sig and realized i had insulted one of the lollipop kids i am ashamed of myself
  6. ttumaddawg

    force flowering problem. help needed +rep for good advice

    yeah dawg...cover them up at the same time you are, but then uncover them after the sun has gone down so they can catch the moonlight and gentle breeze every night
  7. ttumaddawg

    What Is The Best Nuts For Flowering

    that's hilarious 'cause when i was typing it i was thinking to myself..."somebody else would think of this too"... and i just went for it man i'm glad you appreciated it
  8. ttumaddawg

    What Is The Best Nuts For Flowering

    ..deez nuts
  9. ttumaddawg

    Moving to Grow

    don't live there yet, but i can see it in the future as i have the same idea as you....probably northern cali
  10. ttumaddawg

    security question

    no, but i feel for ya can you get some extra weatherstriping to seal around your door frame and a towel at the bottom to block all the light?
  11. ttumaddawg

    Is this a good buy

    hey everybody....pinkus likes to call you out in his posts, then go back and edit them to make him not seem like such a bag. he called me a douche, then next thing you know, it's magically gone from his post i'm not a pony, so i will leave all my comments in my posts just a heads up to...
  12. ttumaddawg

    Moving to Grow

    "All my friends in this area seem to be getting knocked up and married like there's no tomorrow. I'm scared that's going to happen to me..." hahaha, i hear you daddio, that's already happened in my circle as well. "I'm just wondering if people out there would be receptive to newcomers with...
  13. ttumaddawg

    Super Silver Haze, "Green House seeds" OR "Sensi seeds"

    pinkus IS the authority on all things anus!
  14. ttumaddawg

    Is this a good buy

    i also see you eating a lot of tube steak
  15. ttumaddawg

    3rd grow, indoor, soil, OG/Bubba Kush from clones

    hey, i like that initiative you sound like a real go-getter good luck and godspeed
  16. ttumaddawg

    Watering everyday a problem?

    this has gotten really confusing i was calling the dude a bro i know you're a chick i would love to be friends...thanks for the thought :weed:
  17. ttumaddawg

    Is this a good buy

    i picture you looking just like the douche in your avatar, but that's probably pretty generous
  18. ttumaddawg

    3rd grow, indoor, soil, OG/Bubba Kush from clones

    nice work for a chick....hahaha seriously...spreading the medicine to any and all that need it!
  19. ttumaddawg

    3rd grow, indoor, soil, OG/Bubba Kush from clones

    i came and i saw....and then i came
  20. ttumaddawg

    Watering everyday a problem?

    i thought chicks wanted equal treatment? who cares if you're a chick...great job on your grow