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  1. S

    Plants looking worse and worse! What is wrong?

    I had quite a bit of trouble with 3 clones from my WW mother. With time i had burned tips, potassium def, probably nute def and nute burn and whatever else you can name in the book. However, i pulled them through it. Now I am in week 8, and the plants are looking worse than ever. The trichlomes...
  2. S

    What is coco? (medium)

    Cant find a sticky about it anywhere, but luckily both google and the package knows what to do ;) Just for the record, do you have a link for the sticky that's suppose to be on this forum?
  3. S

    What is coco? (medium)

    Found this:
  4. S

    First journal, 2nd grow, ferm WW Nirvana

    Quick note for next grow; perlite, vaclite, high quality soil and coco ready for mix. Im thinking 1 part vac, 1 part perlite, 1 part coco and 3 parts soil. Sound good?
  5. S

    What is coco? (medium)

    Ahh, thanks a bunch. Found it here now, but in a petstore as terrarium add for frogs ;) 100% ecological coconut husk (directly translated :p) Thank god its cheap :)
  6. S

    What is coco? (medium)

    Been searching the forum and cant really find an answer for it. So, can anyone tell me what exactly coco is? We dont have anything like this at 5 different local gardeners so i guess its named something else here.
  7. S

    Clones taken close to 3 weeks into flowering. What to expect?

    I did not add any nutes to the clones. They are in coco-disks without any adds. The brown came when I forgot to spray the lid of my seedling-box a full day. Other than that, I have no access to perlite. Any ideas on where to get it when none of the local gardening stores has it or even knows...
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    Clones taken close to 3 weeks into flowering. What to expect?

    Sounds good. Ill keep this updated in my journal ;-)
  9. S

    First journal, 2nd grow, ferm WW Nirvana

    Alright so here are the first pictures from the clones that survived and rooted properly. I made a post in the newbie forum about what to expect considering these were taken from a flowering WW. I read somewhere that the branching should be insane. One can only hope :)
  10. S

    Clones taken close to 3 weeks into flowering. What to expect?

    Alright so the question is simple. I took some clones waaaaay too late, and now 3 of them survived, rooted and finally new growth looks good. It took like 3 weeks to get any roots at all, but now I'm finally there. I read somewhere about the branching being a lot thicker when taken in flowering...
  11. S

    For future reference, what might be the problem with these?

    What exactly am I looking for when you refer to "professional coco mix"? I mentioned earlier that I don't really have access to any of your brands so I kinda need to know in detail what I'm looking for. Also I bought a full kit or organic liquid nutes for both soil and hydro. I'm guessing this...
  12. S

    First journal, 2nd grow, ferm WW Nirvana

    January 17: Quick update. The three clones that were healthy are now growing for real. The fact that I took them during week 2 of flowering seems to be enhancing the branching, cause the healthiest one is really bushy for a little clone that was "soiled" just 36 hours ago. Sadly the two that...
  13. S

    For future reference, what might be the problem with these?

    Thank you people. I guess this is good news and I can relax a bit. I did not know the part where I should start feeding potassium and phosphorus in flowering. I guess this might be the reason for the nuteburn¿ Also the different variations of symptoms, I'm willing to bet, is probably the PH...
  14. S

    What nutrients/plantfoods to use (International)?

    Well, I still appreciate anything over complete silence :) Organic nutes noted, thanks ;)
  15. S

    For future reference, what might be the problem with these?

    I posted a few pics earlier on what to do, and since its close to harvest there's not much to be done and the plants should be fine. At least that's what I was told. However, for future reference, does anyone know whats wrong with my ladies and how to fix it? The problems are getting worse, and...
  16. S

    How to save this baby?

    Addition: Leaves are crisp and dry. Could this be the lamp burning them/too close or not enough water?
  17. S

    Yellowing Leaves! Looks like nitrogen deficiency according to that. I had the same problem with my first grow and fixed it with full dosage of my nutes. I'm new at this though, so might wanna wait for confirmation from someone more experienced than me ;)
  18. S

    First journal, 2nd grow, ferm WW Nirvana

    Alright so, all the things I've learned from my first grow (finished in like 3 weeks hopefully) I just started my 2nd. I know I failed the start, but it seems it'll turn out fine after all. These plants sure can take a beating. What I'm using: -4 white 18 Litre pots -60x60x200cm closed white...
  19. S

    What nutrients/plantfoods to use (International)?

    Oh right. I start out germinating my seeds in something called Nelson Garden Plant Start. They are like disks that you pot in water so they grow. Later i remove the cotton that keeps it together and put it in soil recommended for tomato-plants from the local gardener mixed with Leca-balls...