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  1. NikeSmoke

    Master Kush from Nirvana...Grow cab

    Wow, Nice. Very Nice! Keep 'er Kookin'!
  2. NikeSmoke

    Personal Computer Cabinet Build

    Thanks for everyone's ideas, solutions, or problems that need to be addressed. I will address those issues as we go....:eyesmoke:
  3. NikeSmoke

    Personal Computer Cabinet Build

    Lets prove them Right! :mrgreen:...or wrong. You are probably right and I will regret it...
  4. NikeSmoke

    Personal Computer Cabinet Build

    Yep, it's small, limited space, and I plan to remove the extra trays. Right now, its a kwick-build. All the trays are inverse-rivited in on a stamper. 18 of them. I can drill them out, but just haven't yet. Managed to mount the Power Strip on the side frame, add two 26 watt, and one 40 Watt...
  5. NikeSmoke

    Personal Computer Cabinet Build

    Notice that different manufacturers have different layouts for the equipment. So, you will need to modify accordingly. Next post will be modifying the fan shroud, fan position, and wiring.
  6. NikeSmoke

    Personal Computer Cabinet Build

    I know there must be a few threads around building a Personal Computer Cabinet, and growing plants in it. I am posting this one to get ideas from you Guru's that just happen by. At work, we were discarding a few PC's, So I am going to remove the internals from them. The first thing I did, was...
  7. NikeSmoke

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello All! Newbie here. I was going through the threads and was interested in the PC Grow-box method. Got a few PC's laying around and thought it would be a cool, stealthy thing! Nice....Only got "Bunk" Seeds available, but why ruin a good crop first, eh? Ya'll have a great day!