I see nute's is a big worry for most new growers, well it was and still is a worry for me, but I got these products from www.gthydro.co.za/.
I am growing under CFL's, I managed to get 2 85w CFL's from a small comapny that supply's lights, he had to order them in but it was the only place I...
Remember that some words you guys use have different meaning's for me, so when someone says goatfucker, I am not sure what they mean, I try and get clarification. But I am glad Unclebuck doesn't mind me, that's good to hear, he has a wicked sense of humour that's one thing for sure.
And do you...
Lol, ain't that the truth. I love how some people mistake intellegence for wisdom, although I don't think you can be wise if you not intelligent, and now I am all turned around, I love confusing myself it's seems. I do it a lot.
I have the solstice's in my calendar, why I don't know. For me it's the summer solstice now, strange things happen on this day with people, and it's hot hot hot here today almost 90f, so I reckon the fun will begin soon.lol.
Thanks mate, not quite sure what you mean about boundaries but this thread has been helpful so far, only about a 1/3 of the way through it at the moment.
OP, can you post a pic, the bottom leaves drying out happens to me to every now and then so it may not be anything to worry about, also LED don't give off much heat as far as I know, so moving them away doesn't make sense to me. I don't use LED so I don't know for sure.
As for nute's, I can't...
Na, I think you did the right thing, those plant's look good, maybe you should look at topping those babies, you may get a better yield ouy of them. Although I will do it bigsteve's way next time so his suggestion carries a lot of merit. But I don't clone so for me his way would be a good way.
Mmmmmm, interesting, I am not sure if I would be considered conservative, still trying to figure out exactly what Americans consider conservative or liberal. But I am starting to see... slowly but surely so have a little patience I will get there. lol ;)
Lol, I see why people get irritated with his question, it get asked a lot. OP, icons above the comment box third from the right insert image and off you go.
Not sure if my comment is relevant but anyway here it is, I had no interest in politics until I read a book called Escape from Camp 14 (I think was 14 or something), and then a blog about South Africa, on the same day, my head nearly burst and but I finally chose a side and I have been reading...
Lol, I am not sure what that means for you guys, but we actually get people who fuck goats here, it's bizarre.