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  1. P

    Better results for the 2nd time

    For me, 2 x 315W CMH, 1 x 1K DE HPS/MH, leds - samsung tech 480w, (2 x 320(s) running @ 240W each, 1 X hlg 550|600|650 running @ 480w, 1 X light bar array 600|680 running @ 480w)...
  2. P

    I 'soiled' myself..

    I am a PM/HP fan, but I always mix in some dolomite lime because no matter how many bricks I have opened and used over the years the base pH of PM/HP is always between 5.8 to 6.0.
  3. P

    Help run off ph comming out lower then inlet ph running royal gold tupar

    There doesn't seem to be anything really wrong with them, but usually when you have a +0.5 pH drop or greater in a coco based medium it means the pots have some salt build up, due to one not consistently using a large enough percentage for their runoff. Anyhow, for me, say i am running 3 gallon...
  4. P

    Why it stopt growing?

    Probably just a slow starter, nothing more, nothing less...
  5. P

    Potassium issue?

    Like dbz said, why are you feeding it, FF OF has plenty of nutrients in it to feed that plant until it would have outgrew that 1 gallon pot. Really the only thing I ever give a seedling being grown in FF OF/HF is a supplement of camg+ @ 1/2 tsp per gallon starting from day 14 because FF doesn't...
  6. P

    First grow, slow growth and discolored leaves?

    A water temp of 86 is really bad, and even at 71, its still not good! And what exactly are you feeding her, and please tell us the amounts that you are feeding her!
  7. P

    Future #1& black water OG

    Just go to the breeders website and you should find a distributor / resellers page with links...
  8. P

    ¿Ready or Not ready? Judge the Youtubers.

    For me, only #5 was done...
  9. P

    Thanks to all.

    They look nice n' green, excellent job, what are you growing? And from one vet to another, thank you for your service / Sua Sponte!
  10. P

    Leaf problem

    Yeah, The RH isn't optimal, but I feel that isn't your problem, to me, its simply that your soil mix is a little to hot for those babies. What are they growing in?
  11. P

    Flowering for 1 1/2 weeks

    There really isn't any pistils popping just yet, but they do look very nice, so just keep up with what you are doing, less the wanting to defoliate anymore right now, and you will be good to go, good job!!!!
  12. P

    First grow.. things going sideways

    Don't water every 3 day until runoff, that is to much water for plants that young, and especially when they are growing in a soil or soilless mix. Cannabis plants in general like to get to a point that the soil is pretty much dried out between waterings. Anyhow, you can easily teach yourself how...
  13. P

    Any Veterans out there?

    ptsd / sss, currant kush is the only one that lets me sleep for more than 3 hours at a time.
  14. P

    Need advice. How long will a generator last?

    Off grid, then a 8 panel x 250w solar array would be my choice. But there are some nice generators that can do it and the 24 hour running cost for many 2-3KWH generators would be around $18 to $20 in the U.S., running diesel or JP8 fuel grades, but in England it would be about double that price...
  15. P

    Soil Questions

    If you are planning on using salts, screening to remove all the roots is really all that is needed to reuse soilless mixes like FF OF and HF. But I still replenish mine with EWC, BG, FBM, and OSM before reuse so I only have to feed them water until I kick them over to flowering! Cannabis / hemp...
  16. P

    Sativa taking forever

    Most sativa's come from regions where they veg with sun times ranging from 12 and 1/2 hours to 13 and 3/4 hours, and they flower with sun times ranging from 12 and 1/4 hours to 9 and 1/4 hours. Anyhow... when I grow my lambsbreath, I veg her at 13 hours, and flower her at 10 hours because if I...
  17. P

    Leafs clawing down after transplant

    Yep, that is what they need! Merry Christmas!
  18. P

    How long are nutes in water good for?

    When and where to top is always a personal preference, and as for how long to keep a mix, if its a non-organic mix / pure salts, 7 - 10 days, but remember to adjust the pH of your mix after 2 days because the pH will always rise due to the proton and ions interacting!
  19. P

    Leafs clawing down after transplant

    leaf stem rolling downward, leaf rolling downward = needs water! And for future reference... leaf stem up, leaf rolling downward = over watered!
  20. P

    Overdrive test

    If you are already using salts, why spend extra money on something you already have... 1 serving of AN Overdrive = 1 extra serving of (AN ph perfect, GH Flora) Bloom + 1 extra serving of 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom Salt. 1 serving of GH KoolBloom = 2 extra serving of (AN ph perfect, GH Flora) Bloom +...