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  1. T

    Do I need to have the fan?

    Not a problem at all. Just wasn’t sure as it’s cold her at the min so the temp won’t be a problem and thought maybe they’ll be tiny there would be enough Co2 in the tent until later on. But that’s cool, I’ll have the fan on as soon as they’re in the tent
  2. T

    Do I need to have the fan?

    So I’ve got a 4x4 tent and plan on having 4 seedlings in. Then when they get bigger I will be getting rid of the weakest. I’ll only be running my hps at 250w at that stage until mid veg when I’ll be upping to 400 then 600 at flip. If I open up the tent daily do I NEED to have the inline fan on...
  3. T

    Water storage

    That’s not a bad idea actually We drink shit loads of milk and use the 6pinters so a few of them should do me fine once they’re in the the final 10l pot based on 2L of water per pot per day (I’m basing this on something I read about 20-30% of pot volume) Not everyday of course, every 2/3 days...
  4. T

    Water storage

    I’m not sure on exact volume but not it’s thick blue plastic with a black lid. I haven’t got an air stone and it’s just in the garage so temp flucs between night 0-4 and day 6-10 at a guess
  5. T

    Water storage

    So I’ve filled a drum up with tap water and left it for 24hr to get rid of the chlorine. I was wondering if i could put a lid on and just keep using it till empty and refill. Or would I be better off just filling a small bucket with fresh water everyday to use the next day. Cheers all
  6. T

    How often does everyone grow?

    So do you grow different stuff at the same time in the same tent?
  7. T

    How often does everyone grow?

    I suppose there is always the option to cut down on veg time to speed everything up and decrease yield. That way I can grow more varieties but I’ll be constantly growing. plus I prefer to get the most out of my money so even though the seeds ain’t expensive, it’s be a shame to waste their...
  8. T

    How often does everyone grow?

    Why winter pal?
  9. T

    How often does everyone grow?

    I was planning on growing one Sativa and one Indica so I had a choice but then someone pointed out the difference in height and flowering times so took that as a good point as I only have room for one tent for growing and drying etc. Would love to do that in future though to grow a variety
  10. T

    How often does everyone grow?

    Hey guys, I just wondered how often everyone grows. So I’m just starting out for personal use, and if I’m honest I haven’t for a clue in weight how much I would or will be smoking. I use weed mainly for my stress and anxiety, so not everyday and normally just one joint in an evening. Some...
  11. T

    Well I’ve officially started

    Cheers bud
  12. T

    Well I’ve officially started

    champion. To be fair I’ve been given some BioBizz root juice so I will probably have to use a small jug/cup to mix when it’s sprouted for the first week rather than a spray but yes I see what you mean about keeping it central until it’s developing roots
  13. T

    Well I’ve officially started

    Hey guys, So I received my seeds today and as all my kit is set up I decided to get cracking. Bought 3 Northern Light and got a freebie so I’ve planted them all in small pots of BioBizz light. Sprayed the hole to moisten and then lightly covered and then a couple of sprays. placed them in my...
  14. T

    Single Use Dehumidifiers

    Yes they’re the ones
  15. T

    Single Use Dehumidifiers

    Apologies for posting this twice but I haven’t had any replies in the other section so maybe I posted in wrong one so thought I’d try here before taking it as no one has. anyway Has anyone used single use dehumidifiers in their tents? My tent is in the garage and this time of year humidity it...
  16. T

    Single Use Dehumidifiers

    Has anyone used single use dehumidifiers in their tents? My tent is in the garage and this time of year humidity it pretty high, 80+. I’m not worried too much about seedling and Veg but obviously I need to plan ahead and sort something out to knock that down for flowering. I was looking at the...
  17. T

    Temp/Hum baseline

    Yes I’ve got a 4x4 tent within the garage. Yes it’s been pretty high here lately. Around high 80’s but obvs need to check the actual tent readings later but I’m guessing I will need to figure out quite ways to dehumidify
  18. T

    Temp/Hum baseline

    Cheers pal, ye 24 makes sense ye it in an outside garage so want to see what the crack is beforehand. Il I’ve got an 600w hps but only running it at 250 at min and then plan to up it through stages. Will the humidity be effected at all when plants are in there or do they not effect the humidity??
  19. T

    Temp/Hum baseline

    No. I just want to see what the readings are with the gear going before I put seeds in so everything is optimal. Don’t want to put seeds in to realise I need something else, prefer to get everything that’s needed and then put the seeds in. but I want to make sure that the gear has been running...
  20. T

    Temp/Hum baseline

    Min/max temp and Min/max Humidity. ive done a check without fan and light on but want to see what it’s like with them on and with air circulating.