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  1. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    Well how does it look for 2 a a half weeks of growth
  2. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    thank you bubblegum31 very helpful info appreciate it. Going to invest in both products any advice for auto nutrients?
  3. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    Thats what I said only in dreams right lmfao
  4. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    How to get rid without harming plant? Chould flies or nats cause that?
  5. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    Does the plant look healthy in general it is approx. 18 days now. Ive never grown an just wanted to do a trial&error now i dont wamt it to mess up with 7 weeks left.
  6. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    How would i get rid of the mildew?
  7. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    It doesn't come off I have tried to take it off.but it only seems to be on one of the three leaves. Ive looked for pest an no sign. Also idk if it matters but the breeders say it very resistance against pests an mold. Thanks for the 2 pennies.any other suggestions?
  8. SunBurner

    What is this on my leafs?

    this is my first grow ever if you look at picture 1 at the top of the leaf there are small white marks can anyone tell me what could be causing this.its a narco purps auto its a little over 2 weeks old i grow in good ol mother earth outside with natural light no nutrients added any help greatly...
  9. SunBurner

    Narco purps auto outdoor mother earth grow

    Also i plan on using a organic ferilizer its called jobes. It is not a liquid fertilizer. Its a 4-4-4 mix how often should i feed an how deep do i dig in soil to feed so nutrients properly goes threwout the plant.
  10. SunBurner

    Narco purps auto outdoor mother earth grow

    12 days old from sprout looking good lol.
  11. SunBurner

    Loving my first grow.

    Loving my first grow.
  12. SunBurner

    Narco purps auto outdoor mother earth grow

    just wanted to see if anyone has grown a auto narco purps outdoor i am a beginner and i just want to get a successful harvest any tips or advice will be greatly appreciated. Im growing outside in mother earth prepared plot with a 4-4-4 fertilizer for a month before planting. Plant is 10 days...
  13. SunBurner

    Humid/hot southern . shielded by unfriendly humans What does that mean? An no real pest...

    Humid/hot southern . shielded by unfriendly humans What does that mean? An no real pest growing woth a 4-4-4 fertilizer.
  14. SunBurner

    crystal meth and narco purp, first auto grow @tropical

    Hey man this isnt too old so i was wondering how the narco purps turned out im doing my first grow ever an i am doing narco purps an i wanted to know if you had any advice about growing it.
  15. SunBurner

    Hi guys just wondering is npk percentage 10-10-10 good for auto cannibis plant trow veg and flowerin

    When should i start mixing the fertilizer in with the dirt. Mind you im not using liquid fert. Im using jobes 4-4-4 organic mix it has blood meal bone meal feather meal an alot of other stuff. Also how deep should i dig to feed it.
  16. SunBurner

    Hi guys just wondering is npk percentage 10-10-10 good for auto cannibis plant trow veg and flowerin

    Yea i got scared i thought u ment run it over like dont bother i was guna be mad as shit. Lmfao but thank you for the advice i only water it 100 ml every 3rd day But it is litterly planted outside no pot or control staight mother earth.