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  1. P

    Sharing is caring

    Yours looks like it is coming along nicely too, keep it going, but try to cut down on the nitrogen!
  2. P

    Sharing is caring

    She looks really nice, good job, but wait until she finishes, because she still has a little bit longer to go!
  3. P

    CannaButter & Decarboxylation

    I like using the alcohol method as it makes the strongest, cleanest, best tasting butter. Alcohol has a much lower boiling point than water, so it's temperature evaporation rate is much lower than water(s). My method... 01. decarb (1) zip chopped up bud @ 245F for 24minutes (MAX) 02. place...
  4. P

    Best organic living soil?

    Cheap good stuff, grows beautify pants! Coast of Maine - Bar Harbor Blend Organic Potting Soil
  5. P

    Pk 13/14

    They handled it just fine before so let them have it again!
  6. P

    Brown leaf edges and tips

    Way too much nitrogen....
  7. P

    Is this phosphorus deficiency?

    Nothing wrong here, typical PHC plant beginning to throw her colors!
  8. P

    When's the light going to change up?

    Virgina, giggles! But really, in any part of Virgina, flowering doesn't really commence until september 1st!
  9. P

    Indica Vs Sativa High - Is it really a thing?

    When I was kid... pbr, schlitz, dawson, were all pretty good, but none of them would fuck you up like haffenreffer, the green monster!
  10. P

    Yield guess anyone?

    bud... 11 or 12 zips, trim bin shit, who knows!
  11. P

    More pics of Lillooet Landrace. 37 days into flower.

    A little to much nitrogen, but she looks like shes where she should be. I have grown a bunch of those and they really blow up from day 42 to around day 54. And finish by day 63. It's a pretty stable CA strain, bred for N/C!
  12. P

    White vs Red/Blue light

    What model? And don't buy any that use those panjit diodes, they are pure crap! They are only 88lm/pw (!!JUNK!!)
  13. P


    Clones not placed in dome need to have the medium that they are placed in, fully saturated everyday for at least the first 7 days, or they will shrivel up and die! For me, if I place a fresh cutting / clone in a solo cup with soil and plan on just placing it under a light. Then everyday, for the...
  14. P

    Green light❓

    All light wavelengths can absorbed by a plant, some more, UV, blue, red, far-red, and some less, green, but the green wavelengths (500–600 nm) are nearly 96% reflected by a plant when other light wavelengths are not present. So in other words, unless Chlorophyll a and b which are the primary...
  15. P

    Worm Castings With Synthetic Nutrients

    For me, if you are going to be using bottled salts then you using organic amendments is kind of silly. But that is not to say that using bottled salts will kill off all beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi, because that wouldn't be the case. As many of the beneficial microorganisms...
  16. P

    Taking cuttings and the around day 5 the flowers are turning purple

    Purple haze all in my brain... maybe the water was to cold, or where they sitting is to cold!
  17. P

    10th planet 40 days

    You are watering a little to often, slow that shit down!
  18. P

    First time grower, Tips !

    They look like they are just chilling, so it's all... good, keep it going!!!
  19. P

    How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

    I have never sold weed in my life, I just give it away to (3) different non-profits in my area. One that supports my fellow VETS, and the other (2) that deal with Hospice care related to Cancer. I do (3) runs a year, kick about (15)lbs, keep (2)lbs for myself and donate the other (13)lbs! But i...
  20. P

    Best Pro-Mix .. mix?

    When using synthetics / salts, most all the living organisms and bacteria that interact with each other in the "soil food web", are killed off, So realistically there is no benefit in having mycorrhizae in soil, soilless, or semi-soilless mixes when synthetics / salts are going to be used! But...