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  1. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    and i was flushing to get the remaining nutes out of the soil so it doesn't taste like I'm smoking chemicals!
  2. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    no need for the sarcasm we are all still learning its people like you that put new people like us off of posting on here! its under newbie thread because we are still learning! with the knowledge you have u could really help people out not be sarcastic and rude
  3. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    to be honest mate i will iv always flushed just the way my old man taught me! but u are obviously a lot more experienced than i am so will defo look into that! so is it bad to flush then?
  4. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    nice good I agree with you, its almost impossible to stay green throughout tho specially the last two weeks when you are flushing
  5. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    we all love a bit of that! well apart from the boring fuckers!
  6. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    and in my opinion yellowing of the leaves is quite normal in the late stages of flowering! especially when u are not giving them much nutes!
  7. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    well you re doing well! Iv got about two weeks left! and mine have hardly any amber! but that's just what happenssometimes! then again they really start to grow in the last two weeks!
  8. Dave124

    Yellow leaves are normal right??

    looking good pal! how many ounces you hoping to get of that baby?
  9. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    10 hrs sleep id be a zombie! well put it this way I wouldn't be having a smoke if in had to stay wake after only having 10 hrs sleep in the week! u enjoy your drink pal! I do like a brandy and coke after work!
  10. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    you don't no how much I agree with that!
  11. Dave124

    if you don't talk to your plants! you aint a real grower!

    if you don't talk to your plants! you aint a real grower!
  12. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah your right man! half the shit u buy of the streets is shocking just dry and half of it hasn't been flushed properly!! that's why I grew og kush such a good smoke! but u have to sacrifice yield for the taste with this plant
  13. Dave124

    First solo grow; looking for advice/info/ general info about nutes

    yoyoyo! I'm growing 3 og Kush its my second grow so I'm still very inexperienced I'm growing them in coco and b with boost using two 600 watt lights with extractor fan and oscillating fan on one of the plants the very top leaves are going purple but only the top leaves! and doesn't seem to be...
  14. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    its all for me so want it o be pukka! should get about ten ounce I'm hoping should last me a while!
  15. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah true man! gonna dry it on cardboard box then cure the fuck out of it!
  16. Dave124

    help a brother out! any feedback on these babies? good bad and the ugly!

    yoyoyo! I'm growing 3 og Kush its my second grow so I'm still very inexperienced I'm growing them in coco and b with boost using two 600 watt lights with extractor fan and oscillating fan on one of the plants the very top leaves are going purple but only the top leaves! and doesn't seem to be...
  17. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    my dads been growing for years so Iv had an idea what I was doing! but don't wanna ask him to much pride!
  18. Dave124

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I was thinking I was bein abit cheeky commenting on here man! but fuck it when u wanna no u wanna no haha
  19. Dave124

    Welcome New Members!

    yoyoyo! hpws it going everyone? I'm growing 3 og Kush its my second grow so I'm still very inexperienced I'm growing them in coco and b with boost using two 600 watt lights with extractor fan and oscillating fan on one of the plants the very top leaves are going purple but only the top leaves...
  20. Dave124

    Advice And Must Haves For The Noobs

    yoyoyo! I'm growing 3 og Kush its my second grow so I'm still very inexperienced I'm growing them in coco and b with boost using two 600 watt lights with extractor fan and oscillating fan on one of the plants the very top leaves are going purple but only the top leaves! and doesn't seem to be...