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  1. kill9

    Phelps walks

    Sometimes old people are just scared shitless to keep their jobs. Especially in this economy, this man just thought of his pension. Let's just move on.
  2. kill9


    a mixture of brain chemicals induced when you feel certain things. Infinity is Infinity, but even in space only, there is certain stages and transitions of the universe. Not necessarily, but we are all afraid of what happens after death. God cannot design something and NOT know the...
  3. kill9

    To Get County ID Card Or Not?

    All this for a county card where the police knows you, just so you can get in quicker with the dispensaries? No thanks. It's just not worth the drama to "cooperate with the cops". I'm a patient with a doctor standing behind me. Do people taking other medicines notify the government? No. I'm...
  4. kill9

    Phelps walks

    He just had to put up the front to keep his job. He knew very well it wasn't going anywhere.
  5. kill9

    Re-enlisting into the military, got a question

    Only if you have the california state card will it possibly end up on the background check? Recomendations from doctor falls under the doctor-patient priveledge and no one can see that.
  6. kill9

    Opening a Medical Marijuana Patient ID Center?

    Yeah, the problem with the Oakland Cannabis Card is that it's a gimmick for the people running it to make money. You need a doctor's recommendation to get it. So they're not in the practice of diagnosing patients. So what's the fuckin point of that card? I remember when it first came out, alot...
  7. kill9


    What do I follow? Just the belief that there is a God in the heavens, but truly loves us regardless of our choices, as our time on earth is a but a blip in eternity. I'm not even going to speak of "punishment" in the afterlife because that's only for God to decide. God would not create a...
  8. kill9


    Creationism exists in the bible. Deism does not follow the "God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th". We dont follow anything in the bible whatsoever. Is it not far fetched to assume that God knows the multiple choices layed out before you, but do not know which you will take?
  9. kill9

    Who loves Purple Kush?

    It's ok. There are better purple varieties out there. Purple Kush is nowhere near Purple Urkel or Grandaddy though. Don't get me wrong, Purple Kush definitely got me high, but it wasn't something that I seeked out again, when Grape Ape, Urkel and Granddady were around.
  10. kill9

    Deism Deism is a religious and philosophical belief that a supreme natural God exists and created the physical universe, and that religious truths can be arrived at by the application of reason and observation of the natural world...
  11. kill9

    can my parents house get confiscated?

    Why not move here if money's not a problem? Life's too short to wait for a fucked up government and draconian laws to come around. We all wish our government would have compassion for people in need and wish and believe it will happen in our lifetime. Dont wait for all that, if cannabis helps...
  12. kill9

    I had an epiphany about my life.....

    Same here. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Only if everyone did, we'd learn off each other and humans as a whole would be on the path to enlightenment. Good thread.
  13. kill9

    For all the "OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 2012" people...

    2012 is the year of a major calendar shift in the Mayan Calendar. Think of it as this, they had huge wheels that would mark days, years, millenia, etc. The bigger wheels took "longer" to turn, so it was a huge deal when it did happen. 2012 is when one of the big wheels turn. At the same time...
  14. kill9

    can my parents house get confiscated?

    Even if you don't have a medical history, if cannabis helps you, I dont know what you have that would constitute it, that's between you and your doctor. But I would at least set some appointments with doctors and talk to them. The worst is that you would be denied and still have your money in...
  15. kill9

    Opening a Medical Marijuana Patient ID Center?

    The Oakland Card is a waste of time and money. If you don't have a recommendation yet but are valid for one, I'd suggest Medicann, if the doctor feels you would benefit from cannabis, you would also get Medicann card which the cops can confirm 24 hours, regardless of county. Alot of bay area...
  16. kill9

    "Weed Is From The Earth So It's Good For Me"

    While there are definitely plants that can kill you, those same plants can be used for other applications as medicine or nourishment. There is a species of Almonds that have cyanide. Our Ancestors removed the poison from almonds to consume them. I personally like to ask people a rhetorical...
  17. kill9

    smoke bad for plants?

    Exactly. Just dont have massive smokeouts. But I dont see a problem with burning a joint every once in awhile in the room. Friends and I sparked in their room plenty of times. The plants were perfectly fine. But if you want to be super 100% anal, then no, smoke is not good.
  18. kill9

    You Really Want It Legal?

    People who dont want it legal= Don't care for cannabis, just profits. People who want it legal= Respect the plant We all know there is more smokers than growers, do you think millions of smokers in The United States of America give a shit if growers are no longer making their profits? Do...
  19. kill9

    To Get County ID Card Or Not?

    Your arguments are valid, but if you apply for the state card in a county that does not want medical marijuana, then it makes one uncomfortable to apply. You have to go to your county health department and show them all of your information. Some counties and towns are really small and most...
  20. kill9

    Do I have to be a caregiver to donate to orgs like WAMM? I cannot just simply donate my excess...

    Do I have to be a caregiver to donate to orgs like WAMM? I cannot just simply donate my excess? I have no affiliation with WAMM or anything, not even in the same area but I have heard of them and I'm impressed.