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  1. K

    Night smoking

    wow, havent seen any ragers about him saying he has to wait for his parents, its nice when people get along :)
  2. K

    Wu-Tang Wu-Tang!

    Anybody else excited for the new Wu album coming out? shit should be tight if its as good as the red and meth album from last year. on another note, would you say the juggalos are trying to fuck with wu-tang after meth gets hit in the face with a bottle at their meeting and they do fuck all...
  3. K

    Post If Uve Ever Had A Faygo Shower!!!

    Hatchet man is carrying a fucking meat cleaver!!! WTF!!! How do you not realize this!!!!? stupid juggalos
  4. K

    Worst night ever.

    look at the bright could have been 180
  5. K

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    well, steal a mustang and put boards on the windows with barbed wire. go to stores like wally word and peavey mart, get an axe some flints lighters some dehydrated food guns and head up to something like a mall with people seal the entrances...broadcast on all frequencies yada yada haha
  6. K

    abdomen pain

    im guessing its that salt shit
  7. K

    abdomen pain

    he's prob right, you have aids jk any unusual things in your diet? sometimes if you eat real rich food you will have that feeling
  8. K

    What would you do to this guy?

    the article tells shit all about who was actually at fault
  9. K

    How to clean my camera.?

    goo be gone shit works likea charm for e-r-ything
  10. K

    abdomen pain

    maybe take a shit lol
  11. K

    "Bucket" list

    yea i got the idea from a guy at stanford and the prof. said he was hallucinating slightly around day 5-6
  12. K

    "Bucket" list

    the longest i had gone was three days, but thats cuz i got classes and work. i was saving it for the summer just buy a tone of monster and get r done lol but its all gone down the drain...
  13. K

    Family Feud Naked Grandma

    shit im sober and thought that was hilarious! looking for a neked grandmama in the house outside in the woods on the blanket
  14. K

    "Bucket" list

    Does anyone remeber hearing about that dude from australia who made a bucket list but was doing it like in his twenties? Well, it made me decide to do it but I just had one of my items shattered thanks to the Guinesse book. For like a year now i've been getting shit ready to break the record...
  15. K

    Every time I stop smoking

    I take melatonin but it doesn't help at all shit I take like 15 mg
  16. K

    Im dryyyyy!!! It cant be!

    yea im dry to, the shitty part is I saved up a bunch of money for some weed but unfortunately i'm on crutches and cant go to pick it up and my hookups won't deliver.
  17. K

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    really didnt enjoy the multiplayer but was intrigued by the single player
  18. K

    Xbox with Kinect vs Sony with move

    so you just have a bunch of rooms with 10 by 8 foot space and a tv set up? good for you
  19. K

    Eminem - Best rapper?

    listen to real fucking redman or methodman or both!
  20. K

    Thread for (Top5) best old games

    duke nukem 3d deer avenger goldne axe (original) duck hunt turok