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  1. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    Exactly 3 weeks from flip and the Sherberts still looking pretty solid. Again, im loving the plant structure, leaf shape, etc. Beautiful plant. In comparison to my DoSiDo33 she honestly looks roughly 1 week ahead in terms of the size/onset if budding. Not sure if its a quality of this plant or...
  2. BluntMoniker

    trimming plants during early flower

    At this point, your best bet is likely to just tie them to the top of the tent with string
  3. BluntMoniker

    trimming plants during early flower

    People actually use nets anymore? :p And @Purpfarmer you can remove small branches, leaves, bud sites, etc basically whenever as long as your not hacking apart large portions of your plant. Removing a few small bud sites, branches, and leaves isnt going to harm the plant. But if you have a...
  4. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    Lol well find out! First time using it. String trellis didn't provide the proper spacing or flexibility for what i wanted. I tried making wire trellis which was OK, but still wasn't right. The chicken wire lets me maximize my space better, and I can make a semi bowl/parabola shape so the...
  5. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    Quick update: Sherbert day 44 from sprout. Topped her once, but she's otherwise been left alone to grow as she pleased. Very nice growth structure (short/wide), wide/healthy fan leaves, overall a nice looking plant so far. Has a classic Indica growth structure which i really like. Actually...
  6. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    I just made the comment today that mine smells exactly like a tomato plant lol
  7. BluntMoniker

    Busted buying seeds online

    I had this happen to me before, except they didn't destroy the seeds. Package came all tore up and taped back together with a pink notice stating something along the lines of "customs found your package suspicious and had to open it for inspection". It was a t-shirt with a few original breeder...
  8. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    3 weeks from seed.. looking good so far!
  9. BluntMoniker

    Green moss on top of soil

    Its likely the beginnings of trichoderma from being saturated and stagnant. If the soil remains saturated and stagnant, the issue will persist regardless if you remove what is currently there. The only thing you can do is increase airflow. Should help inhibit further growth and help the medium...
  10. BluntMoniker

    Ayuhuasca Purple, 260w HLG "Diablo", Sub Irrigated Probiotic Organics

    Oh shit, I completely forgot to finish this one out. I'll search around later and see if I have post harvest shots laying around, otherwise you guys (all 2 of the people who actually scrolled this far :p) will have to be happy with just the final stats: Harvest Date: 10/13 (Day 62) Final...
  11. BluntMoniker

    Harvest before too high THC

    Try using different smoking vessels/techniques, rather than opting to pick early. If anything, earlier weed give me a more racy/anxiety filled high. If you wait longer, and get to 50%+ amber, you'd get a more relaxed couch lock high. Try to use a one hitter or something similarly small so you...
  12. BluntMoniker

    Formline Smell Proof Bag Giveaway - Ends 11-22

    I'm in it! Would love a 9x7 but id be happy with anything! Good luck to all!
  13. BluntMoniker

    Need help understanding electrical

    If you genuinely feel uncomfortable doing it, go ahead and call an electrician... but replacing breakers is fairly simple. Id say just about as simple as changing out a receptacle, just a lot more intimidating without having done it or having a lot of experience. Just watch a few quality...
  14. BluntMoniker

    Comparative Grow – Seedstockers | The Vault

    Just got my seeds end of last week! Dropped one in water over night, threw it in soil, and 36 hours later the fun begins!
  15. BluntMoniker

    Mars hydro complete kit?

    Next time I'll be sure to say "if MICHI-CAN were buying an all new setup" instead of "if I were buying an all new setup" and repeat everything you just said.... You could have just quoted OP and told him your opinion, instead of quoting me acting as if your opinion matters more or less, because...
  16. BluntMoniker

    Vent through attic into soffit

    People use damp rid in the crawl spaces all the time, for the same reason he'd need to use them in the attic. Moisture/condensation buildup due to heat/cold differentials. Its not a complete fix in and of itself, but if his only option is to vent into the attic, and he cant install a vent to...
  17. BluntMoniker

    Vent through attic into soffit

    Throw a few cans of Damp Rid up in the attic near where your exhausting the air, to prevent any issues of condensation or moisture buildup inside. There shouldn't be much moisture inside since your venting it outside, but any condensation created from the hot+cold or any airflow leaks will be...
  18. BluntMoniker

    How to kill fungus gnats amd their larvae quickly and efficiently?

    You'll still notice them flying around for about a week or so.. as long as they don't have access to decaying organic matter they'll dissipate soon as they die off naturally. Again though, id use that in conjunction with watering from below if that is feasible. The very top layer of your soil...
  19. BluntMoniker

    Harvesting at the Peak of THC

    I dont, and while I'm not going to say it doesnt do anything, I personally dont think it does much of anything lol. Is it going to hurt to put her in the dark? Doubtful. Will it do anything though? I cant say that. I DO try to let my plants dry out a bit before harvest though, but thats just so...
  20. BluntMoniker

    How to kill fungus gnats amd their larvae quickly and efficiently?

    Water your pots from underneath. Allow the water to wick up from the bottom. If the gnats (and their larvae) don't have a moist/open environment they can't lay eggs there and multiply. Or add 1in layer of sharp sand (used as an addition to concrete, can be found at Lowes or Home Depot) to your...