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  1. C

    Soap/surfactant to soil? How much is too much? Other options?

    My soil dries out fast and often I end up with waterproof soil that just drains out the bottom so I have to water it very slowly for it to take. I have to water every single day to prevent this from happening! PITA! So I tried some Ivory dish soap and it seemed to help, not a cure, but helped...
  2. C

    Mini Fridge As A/C???

    A mini fridge wouldn't even be close to being enough, they're not very powerful at all. They can drop the temp inside as much as 50 degrees going full blast, but an 11x11x8 room is over 500 times that size, so you'd get maybe one or two tenths of a degree drop. Even a full size fridge would...
  3. C

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review - White Widow

    True, I'll bet the pix was the best of the best, but their worded description is so far off that if you read descriptions of all the plants, then tried to guess which one mine was, you'd NEVER say WW. Nothing matches, that's my problem. If I had known how the plants really turned out I would've...
  4. C

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Review - White Widow

    I ordered from back in November 09. My White Widow Seeds arrived fast and discrete, they get points there... Price was a bit steep but I thought I was getting the best. Out of 10 seeds 7 sprouted and 6 were female. Btw, they send 20 free seeds with every order, of...
  5. C

    Will they make it under a 250 HPS?

    hgkdehs: I admit I haven't researched the 1000 watters 100%, but I did research for hours online before I bought the 600 and I didn't see any 1K's adv over 140. The 600 are usually 90k, but 95's are out. I'm sure they're all exaggerations, but for comparo I think the % difference it probably...
  6. C

    Will they make it under a 250 HPS?

    I'd buy a 600w now, then another 600w later as they need it. If your room is 2x2 meters, that's a good size for those two bulbs. The bennies of two 600 vs one 1000 is not only will you get the extra 200w, but ea watt makes more lumens because the 600w bulbs are more efficient. You'll get 140k...
  7. C

    Will they make it under a 250 HPS?

    200g from ea plant? So over 2.5lbs altogether? Not a chance.... I thought by reading your other thread that you hadn't bought a light yet? Yes, lights like CFL on the sides/bottom will help, I would with a small 250watter....
  8. C

    Common NewbQuestions Need Help

    I don't know what 8000 lumens worth of T5 lighting costs, but you might consider regular CFL (the cheapie spiral fluorescent). They're 24-27 watts but replace 100w incandescent. They make about 1650 lumens ea, so you'd have your 8000 with just 5 bulbs. I got the yellow ones (~2700k) for 25 cents...
  9. C

    Urgent PLEASe help!

    Sorry, I assumed the pot was small at ~ 1 quart and you'd be transplanting soon anyway. I had no idea it was that big. So canx the transplant comment. Also canx the "pull the pot off and look" comment, that would be a lot harder to do than with a little pot. That's great it snapped back, best...
  10. C

    Starting flowering...hows it sound

    I'd say a bit strong on the fert, but if it hasn't hurt them before I guess you're fine. I try to lean to light fert tho, just my opinion. The pH seems low, unless your runoff equals out. Are you just now switching to HPS, or was it always there? I assume you're careful not to burn them from...
  11. C

    3RD DAY "ak47" new grow CHECKK ITOUT

    Is there supposed to be pix or something? You need to put more info too, I don't know what exactly you're asking....
  12. C

    First Grow. Stem is really thin and flimsy!!!

    Post a pix if you can w/ a size reference. Also, what breed is it? I've had some look like what you described and it's just the way that breed grows. I have a Sativa breed right now that is about 30" tall and the stems half way up are about 1/8", and the top fourth are about 1/16". I'm...
  13. C

    Anyone adjust for other than 24/hr days to flower?

    It seems everyone is basing their light schedules on a 24 hour period, but growing inside we aren't bound to 24 hour days. So I'm curious if just the 12/hr light duration is the only trigger needed to flower, or does it really need 12 dark as well? Say for example 12 on/4 off? If so I'm...
  14. C

    Urgent PLEASe help!

    I've had plants do that with either too much or too little water. If the soil is wet or been wet for too long then I'd let it dry a bit, or even transplant it into some dry soil to help absorb the excess water. You could also drill a bunch of 1/4 to 3/8" holes in the sides to allow it to dry...
  15. C

    Seed produced while in veg?

    I thought about the autoflower mix breed, but they're supposed to be pure, I got them from I wrote them about it but they don't care. Also, they're three months old now, so if they were auto they would be fully flowered by now. As for spreading pollen, yes I agree...
  16. C

    Seed produced while in veg?

    I have some White Widow I grew from seed, first problem I noticed was males making flowers at day 32, and one even dropped pollen! It was in a different room so I doubt it's related to the following: All the females were showing sex at that time too, but one looked normal and hadn't show either...
  17. C

    My White Widow are auto- flowering at day 32 in veg, why?

    I bought 10 White Widow seeds from amsterdammarijuanaseeds last month, it's only been 32 days since they sprouted and they're flowering on their own like a Ruderalis, every single one of them! Actually the males sprouted even earlier because one male flower has already fully opened and dropped...