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  1. rootrotsucks

    Spider Mites! Getting rid of them before starting.

    Mighty wash gets expensive after months of spraying. I also used forbid 4f, mites gone forever.
  2. rootrotsucks

    Help, sprouts are falling over

    Take the pencils out.
  3. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    The moment I put this shit in my filter clogged. Removed it. Let temp rise to 72. Will see tonight what happened. Fingers crossed. I put it in with healthy roots. Not waiting for funk to set in.
  4. rootrotsucks

    Need expert help!! Root rot i think!!

    Welcome to the club. I have had root rot problems in my systems for a few months. You need to use 35% hydrogen peroxide, 2 ml per gallon, per day, for a week, then lower it to 1-2 ml per gallon per day the rest of the grow. Just remember 5 ml - 1 teaspoon. First you need to scrub out your...
  5. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    Here are some pics of my DIY aero system, bennie bucket...etc. 1. Bucket is foaming like mad. Haven't added the 'sock' yet. Will toss that in before I go to bed tonight. 2. Everything that goes to my sprayers goes through a 150 micron inline filter. Keeps everything pristine clear. 3...
  6. rootrotsucks

    Great white bennies...

    What do you mean by 'growing everywhere?' I just started brewing some bennie tea and the bucket is almost foaming over. Might have made it a tad strong but I'm somewhat desperate at this point :confused:
  7. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I'm gonna make my own tea. Using oregonism XL which has myco and tons of different bacteria, aqua shield which has a ton more bacteria, actinovate and finally pure worm castings. Changing out res's and letting chlorine dissipate overnight. Will use it on my Aero.
  8. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    Anyone here ever use Actinovate beneficials? Contains streptomyces lydicus. Thinking of adding it to tea.
  9. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    Its about ideas for dealing with root rot, remember? I'm familiar with the basics of hydroponics.
  10. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    To the plant there is no difference between synthetic nutes and organic nutes. Nitrates are nitrates, they are the same molecules. You dont 'smoke' H2O2. It is just water with an extra oxygen molecule. Synthetic nutrients are already in the form that plants use. Organic nutes are converted...
  11. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I'm painting the entire basement with kills paint tomorrow. Grew hydro successfully in there for years. Sucks.
  12. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I have been doing hydro for years. I abandoned soil five years ago and I will never ever go back to it. I was doing soilless back in the mid 80s. Will not go back to that.
  13. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I'm reading it right now. :) What I'm thinking is I will run one system with beneficials and see which works the best. Which system should I try the microbes in? I am thinking my homemade ebb and gro style system, because it has standing water in the bottoms of the buckets between floods...
  14. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    The funk embeds itself in the plants, which is what you are alluding to. Once you have it systemically in the plant, it doesn't go away. You just get into a standoff with it and it continually reinfects the system. It also gets in your walls, etc. That's fine, I'm ready for war.
  15. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I always thought using coco was almost like soil until I set it up last night. Water runs right through it just like hydroton. Unlike soil you water it every day. Some people run drip through it several times per day. I have them in three gallon pots for the veg cycle, then will put them in...
  16. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    I dont mind the work. Just making sure it doesn't come back. I am being wayy overly clean because I have this gnawing fear it will come back. I will be hyper clean for six months or a year, then maybe back off a little. Cant hurt to be super clean. After a year of being sick my basement...
  17. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    My systems were all infected. Those systems no longer exist. I have built new ones. I am using twice the H2o2 I was using before. So far, no issues. I am now in prevention mode. Just dont' want it to come back. I am being overly clean now. I change out the systems I have every 5 or 6...
  18. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    My hydro guy knows a dude who owns a hydroponics fertilizer company. He makes a line of beneficials. Today he called dude but dude wasn't in his office. He will call him again for me Monday. Dude is an expert in beneficials. I will see what he says. I am not into organics at all. Will...
  19. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    Bleach will definitely kill 100%. H2o2 will if you use enough. Just don't want to kill the plants in the process. I need to paint the walls with Killz paint. Well, all my roots look good. All systems at 2 ml per gallon daily. Got my coco system running. Noticed they grew almost instantly...
  20. rootrotsucks

    Worst root rot problem in history

    Dude, soil sucks. I'll never go back.