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  1. R


    36 inches
  2. R


    36-37 inches
  3. R


    I'm wondering if I'm seeing the leaves taco, she is a month old purple haze strain. And I have heat controlled at 69-75 degrees , my humidity was around 55 and I just raised it to 65. Watering every 7 days or when 2inches down is dry. Have a fan blowing above plants but there is movement on tops...
  4. R


    Lights are about 36 inches from canopy , using par450
  5. R


    I'm wondering if I'm seeing the leaves taco, she is a month old purple haze strain. And I have heat controlled at 69-75 degrees , my humidity was around 55 and I just raised it to 65. Watering every 7 days or when 2inches down is dry. Have a fan blowing above plants but there is movement on tops...
  6. R

    Healthy if short

    It's a purple haze strain, working on its 4th node . Total indoor grow
  7. R

    Healthy if short

    Wondering if this plant is doing well at almost 4 weeks , little short?