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  1. G

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Is anyone else having trouble viewing the pictures of the plants?
  2. G

    First harvest questions

    hermies are still smokable right? I think maybe 2 or 3 (out of 7) are hermies then, if that one is. How do I know for sure they are hermies so I can get them out? Can I just chop them down and harvest them today?
  3. G

    First harvest questions

    In this first picture, What are the whiteish things coming out of the bud. They look to big to be the hairs. It looks like something is blooming out of the bud. And I know this is a stupid ass question, but does the bud in the last two pics look ready?
  4. G

    First harvest questions

    Ok so do I need to give it the usual strengths ferts? And why does some of the smaller branches look ready? Can I harvest one branch at a time or is that stressful and I just need to do a plant at a time?
  5. G

    First harvest questions

    Ok, So since this is my first grow I really have no clue what to expect. I left my house over the weekend, and when I returned almost every single one of my buds had grown quite a bit. Which is awesome, but I was about to start flushing this week. So my question. Hydro system, 2x 400 watt...
  6. G


    Ok really quick question. I am 30 days into flowering. i dropped something on one of the branches. It didn't snap the branch, but it is completely laid over at a 90 degree angle. The stem did break just enough for a little drop of liquid to form at the bend. What do I do? Cut it off at the bend...
  7. G

    How do I remove the males.

    After this grow I have to change my setup for sure. I have no place to mess with clones right now. This is my first grow so I am learning a lot, and I have learned that my grow area blows.
  8. G

    How do I remove the males.

    The males just started showing yesterday. For future grows how do I keep them from tangling together? So, just start cutting and get out as much as possible, suggestions on root rot since I am here might as well ask since its a possibility now.
  9. G

    How do I remove the males.

    Ok, so I started flowering last week and this morning I am taking out the bastards. How do I deal with the roots. They are all sorts of tangled with my females. Oh yeah, I am running a DIY bubbleponics system. Any suggestions?
  10. G

    Male or Females?

    Yeah picture 3 was of the stipules but I think there was hair on the back side. You are right with the better angle, you would have seen the balls on 2. So, with what you said, and with what little I know, I was thinking 6 females, and 4 males.
  11. G

    Male or Females?

    thats what I was thinking. Luckily a few of the male pictures I posted are of the same plant. How long can I wait before I take them out, just to make sure they are dudes, before they start fucking my ladies? And why have a few not shown any signs of male or female a week after 12/12. how long...
  12. G

    Male or Females?

    Ok, so I was having a hard time getting good pics. and I know its almost to early to tell on a few of these. I have 800watts HPS for 10 plants. I did 24 hours dark, and now i'm at 6 days 12/12. So I was really thinking I should know for sure by now. Let me know what you think. Male or Female.
  13. G

    super cropping - question ??

    Thats what I was worried about. Would it be worth slowing the growth down for that little extra light?
  14. G

    super cropping - question ??

    I was wondering the same thing. Should you ever prune branches to open things up for more light?
  15. G

    When Do I Flower??

    Rubbermaid bins from wally world. the pebbles are expanded clay pellets called hydroton. Which is what you use for soil less medium, to grow your plant in water not dirt. Speeds things up.
  16. G

    When Do I Flower??

    ok cool as long as shock doesn't mean killed them. thanks
  17. G

    When Do I Flower??

    Is it normal for them to look unhealthy the morning after topping and super cropping?
  18. G

    When Do I Flower??

    So, I super cropped two last night, and FIMed two or three. And now I am scared shitless. I wake up this morning and a majority the leaves are wilted? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NORMAL?????
  19. G

    When Do I Flower??

    Cool Thanks for the help. I think I will try super cropping on one or two of them.