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    2013 outdoor grow (Frisian Dew, Blueberry Gum, 8 Ball Kush)

    Have you heard of compost tea? This year i finally made some and my plants EXPLODED with growth. I have 3 Lemon Skunk 1 in 10 gallon breathable pots and one had what looked like cal mag deficiency. I added all kinds of supplements that didn't do squat until i added the tea. Next day the girl was...

    Scrog Grow - Original Misty, Bubba Kush (GHS)

    looks really good man! that one plant up front has the fattest fan leaf. Gonna be one smelly room in a month or so lol

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    i have a question though. If i put 1000 red wigglers in a compost pile not contained in any way will they leave the area? i would think the worms would naturally stay where the food is?

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    thanks for the link! Its a compost box i build. Its 5x4x3 so its plenty of space for the little guys to breed im hoping to get castings eventually and have worms to add to my garden (i also grow tomatoes, green beans, potatoes etc.) so they'll be multi purpose worms.

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    I've never heard of growing nematodes, sounds awesome though. I'm trying to get a good earthworm population started in my homemade compost box does anyone know were i could buy worms or even worm eggs in bulk?

    Compost Tea During Bloom?

    Wow, those are some healthy looking plants. Compost tea rocks! I've been using it with a smaller outdoor grow of my own and the pants seem to love the stuff. makes the leaves very dark green.

    should i prune some leaves of? REP+

    Nice plants, they have that "reaching for the light" look. I wouldn't trim until the leaves start to turn yellow or wilt. healthy leaves = healthy buds. happy growing!

    Look at the leaves, what is causing this??

    Pretty wild, I've never seen that before. looks healthy though aside from a few curling leaves.

    Are my plants okay ?

    Those are some hairy bastards! I wouldn't worry about the leaves. During flower marijuana tends to shed its leaves. I've seen grows where all the fan leaves were plucked off and all that was left was the stem and buds. (i wouldn't recommend doing this) couldn't really tell you the weight...
  10. THC...MATOES

    From Germ to Sprout, Need advice

    paper towel method works excellent for me. dampen a paper towel until no water drains when you hold it by one corner. Put the seeds on the paper towel and fold it into a "pocket." place towel in a zip-lock bag, and blow some air into it. keep this in a dark warm place. also air the bag out once...
  11. THC...MATOES

    Look at the leaves, what is causing this??

    are all the leaves like that or just that one? Not gonna lie it looks bad ass.
  12. THC...MATOES

    my first grow

    i agree with rooty420. Keep the cfls about 2 inches from your seedlings. that first one looks like its bending toward the light.
  13. THC...MATOES

    First Baby Grow

    yeah you want to wait until it has a set of five bladed leaves. also i found that if i bend my stems gently periodically through the day, the stems thicken up and don't get so lengthy.
  14. THC...MATOES

    Perlite at the bottom of your pots to improve drainage?

    Adding a layer at the bottom never hurt but i feel like its unnecessary if your actual mix already has a good percent of perlite in it. Id say its just preferance.
  15. THC...MATOES

    First Baby Grow

    looks nice, pretty stretchy looking stem though. Fox farm is for sure the way to go if you want nice plants soil grown. Roots organics also has good soil. Will you always be growing in the pc case?
  16. THC...MATOES

    CFL's Keepin it low

    I also use CFL's they are very versatile. I like not having to worry about much heat output too.
  17. THC...MATOES

    White fuzz on roots

    honestly its hard to tell without a picture but sometimes roots just look like that, i wouldn't sweat it until the leaves show signs of stress.
  18. THC...MATOES

    4 Plant Grow

    good luck, keep us posted.
  19. THC...MATOES

    Can anyone tell me if this is normal

    yeah im with dimebong, its like halfway through this post the magic shrooms kicked in and you just started gibbering.