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  1. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    Here are the new pics, bigger pots, and 4 cfl 100 w.
  2. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    thanks this really helped a lot., do you think the plants look alright??
  3. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    yeah im doing that this weekend, what kind of new lights should i get
  4. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    here are a few up to date pics. they are getting pretty big and we are about to move them into 2 gallon buckets. getting new lights also, any suggestions?
  5. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    New pictures. A close up of the yellow one and also the better of the 6.
  6. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    ok heres the deal with that one. It was completely drooped down over the cup (looked like it was a goner). I put one of my other lights (not sure what kind but it gets pretty hot unlike the other ones im using) and it shot straight up, stem grew thick really quick and then it did that so i...
  7. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    word, thanks, ill keep this thread up to date
  8. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    Here are some new pics, Most of the plants are looking alright i think. there is still that one plant that has yellow leaves, but its stem is coming along a lot better than the rest? any solutions?
  9. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    yeah i have them all touching the light now, im going to buy two more lights exactly like the one im using and i think they should be fine. Also the stems have thickened since the last pics
  10. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    Here's this weeks updates, one plant has sagged all the way down and doesnt look good? What do you guys think.
  11. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    appreciate it guys
  12. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    here are the new pics.
  13. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    new pics added up top, I think I have two strands? two have deep purple stems and two shorter ones have fatter green stems???
  14. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    thanks, you think they look healthy though?
  15. ahood

    1st time growing questions

    I have attached a picture of my first plants. they are about a week and a half old after gemination. A couple of them have purple stems? and the shorter ones have all green stems.. I was wondering if they look healthy and some watering tips as well as lighting? Just new at this shit.