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  1. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    He must be talking to me because yours look great ;-)
  2. Blesed141

    First time ecstasy trip:

    It sucks because you really never know what your gettin and its not like you can sample it beforehand. My first time I rolled for a couple days and right through thanksgiving with the family. lmao "One More Time" kept playing so I couldn't stop smiling and dancing and rubbing against everything...
  3. Blesed141

    Lovin' your pictures! Those are some Beautiful ladies you got there!

    Lovin' your pictures! Those are some Beautiful ladies you got there!
  4. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    Well all my free seeds turned out females, except. So I must have been lucky. And nice flowering. My plants were way more stretchy, but I think that was more of my fault.
  5. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    Well I saw in somebody's grow journal doing micro grows... I figure I should buy at least 2 of every kind I pick. Do a micro grow of each kind. Then I'll grow one or two plants depending on favorites of the bunch. I ran into a space situation when the fuckin PS's grew like monsters, forcing me...
  6. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    At first I did not care how long they where going to take but now that I have harvested my Barney's G13 Haze and tasted some dried bud. I just want to smoke all of it. I can NOT believe I fucking grew that. Every time I look at it, I smile like if I was back in kindergarten and my mom would say...
  7. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    About 2 months old The pic in my first post is only 10 days old. That's a drastic change I would say
  8. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    I just took these today.
  9. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    Great! :wall: Well they do have this wonderful spicy aroma (reminiscent of haze) with a slight citrus undertone. The calyxes are fat and round with a decent frost of trichs and reddish hairs. Actually, I'm excited to taste them after dried and cured. I know they're going to take longer, but...
  10. Blesed141

    Male or Female? Help!!

    Plant 4 is definitely a male. I agree with grape swisha, do not smoke him unless you want a headache. So go ahead and make some hash. Also, remove that male from the room IMMEDIATELY! Hopefully he has not had the chance to seed the whole crop. I used to mistake the new leaf sprouts for the white...
  11. Blesed141

    Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?

    Does anyone have pics of what an actual ripe G13 Lab Power Skunk? I am growing them and they don't look or grow according to the description the Attitude SeedBank put up. I have 400w going, which are a mixture of hps and cfls. My expected harvest date is Wednesday, but they just started packing...
  12. Blesed141

    Strawberry haze flowering pics

    Yeah, you forgot the pics again...
  13. Blesed141

    Male or Female? Help!!

    Yeah, it would be nice to breed him. But, problem is all I see is a room full of big nuts lol You've got a sausage fest in your grow room dude...
  14. Blesed141

    Sour Diesel

    That's fuckin' awesome! SD is my favorite strain and so hard to get around here... If you have extra seeds I really think you should share the wealth lol j/k... not really haha! Or at least send me one so I can verify for you that it is SD since I am such an expertbongsmilie in cannabis horticulture
  15. Blesed141

    Sour Diesel

    PLEEEEEEASE tell me where you bought 30 Sour Diesel seeds for $15. Are you sure its SD? I'm just saying because SD is primo smoke.
  16. Blesed141

    First serious indoor grow, organic

    Dude, I have got the same weird curling of the leaves around the colas on only my G13 Power Skunk. I'm so fucking glad I found your thread because I thought I had done something wrong or got some retarded seeds. It looks like we planted right around the same time too... Anyways, my PS's are...
  17. Blesed141

    Flushing With Molasses

    There are a many of threads dedicated to using molasses on this site. From what I understood, if you are going to use molasses then it should be done early in the flowering process. I believe it feeds the enzymes in the dirt which in turn makes it easier for the plant to suck up the nutrients...
  18. Blesed141

    strongest marijuana THC Level wise

    I've smoked a lot of different strains and New York Sour Diesel still tops the cake for me :clap: Also a friend of mine had a little bit of Ak-47 (probably enough to do a snap) and 4 of us smoked it bongsmiliebefore switching to the lesser grade... We got crazy stupid high:eyesmoke:, we didn't...
  19. Blesed141

    The Real Reason for Blisters

    I have just put my plants into the flowering stage about a week ago and have noticed blister-like bubbles forming at the internodes. I have read in other post that it is the plant getting ready to pack on weight. I wanted to know is that the real reason or what. I'm the type of person who likes...