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  1. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    ok so i took more pics, took a picture of the whole plant an a better picture of that one leaf thats giving me issues an seems like its spreadin up to the other leafs.
  2. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    yes this a clone, i cut the tips of the leaf cause there where turning brown an wanted to see if it would stop when i cut the tips off, should i give her a small dose of nutes?
  3. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    well im sorry about the pics i cant take any other better ones then the ones i uploaded, i only took a pic of this leaf cause all the other leafs are perfect green, someone should still be able to point out this issue though the leaf is turning brown and crumbling to the touch, you can clearly...
  4. Rebs4220

    what is this?? -pictures-

    hello just wanna know why my leafs are turning this color? i haven't givin her any nutes the soil is fox farm ocean forest, i dont know what this could be do i need to give a low dose of food next watering? help me please any advice would be great, thanks again!
  5. Rebs4220

    FNG here. I need help identifying problems.

    yeah theres nutes out there you can get that got all the nutes your plants need, you jus gotta look on what you wanna feed her really
  6. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    for sure its not too much water and i got plenty of air movement on her an i got good lighting too. once i top her those side branches are gunna shoot up super high.
  7. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    i know that but i also wanted more light to get to the side branches coming in too an later down the road i am going to top her as well. i do understand what you mean
  8. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    an no the affected leafs are still in this pic but you cant see them cause of the top growth i took them off after this pic
  9. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    i started noticing it after transplant really.
  10. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    i dont know the temps right now i need to but a temp gauge thing at the end of this month, my lights im using is a T-5 or T-8 not sure only using this till veg then i got another light for flowering.
  11. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    yeah your right Juice ill just keep an eye out on her an see what happends next.
  12. Rebs4220

    cold weather!

    if you set the heating pad to low mold issue does not play a part, i grew outdoor last year had the same problem, made a small tent an only turned the heating pad on at night due to the low temps an she was fine, i was making sure to keep the roots an soil warm.
  13. Rebs4220

    FNG here. I need help identifying problems.

    hey whats going on, first id say that they do look a little bit overwatered and you should let the soil dry up a bit also dont do a schedule for watering, what i do an what other growers do is the "lift-method" pretty much when you water your plant pick up the pot an it should feel heavy after...
  14. Rebs4220

    cold weather!

    if you want, i heard you can build a tent around your grow, possibly put a heating pad under the pot n see if that helps keep her warm, or keep growing her out id try an keep it warm as much as possible though Good luck!!
  15. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    thanks man! yeah im diffidently keeping an eye on her, im not seeing it on any of the new growth or the side branches just the old single "water leafs" if it does progress on the next watering ill give it a small dose of nutes? or should i just water her n let the soil nutes take effect..
  16. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    hey thanks for the fast reply man, i dont know if the club i got her at feed her any nutes i did a transplant into a 2 gal pot from a pixie cup about a week ago, all i gave after the transplant was ph'd water and you are right fox farms does have nutes for up to 6 weeks or so. i pulled all the...
  17. Rebs4220

    need help, cant figure out why my leafs are turning this color (pictures)

    hey rollituppers, i got an issue with my cheese clone, for some reason the lower leafs are turning a darkish green color and curling downward and seems like its dying off, the soil i got is fox farms ocean forest im not sure if i need to feed or if its too much food, please any advice/tips/help...
  18. Rebs4220

    My homegrown never has smell, what am I doing wrong?

    wow im currently growing some cheese myself id like too know as well!
  19. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    ok thanks man thats what im leaning towards too is too much nute plus the transplant into the hot soil, i removed all the affected leafs to see if it continues upward on the plant, its weird though none of the new growth or side branches are affected by this..
  20. Rebs4220

    Whats causing my leafs to do this? (PICTURES)

    should i try and put a heating pad on the bottom of the pot?