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  1. HillTopGrowLabz

    Need Help Force Flower Sexing

    Don't really have another option. These things are going to be huge and I don't have the space to grow 16 plants until they flower naturally. I did however pick up 10 clones just in case I fuck up on this. Also built this cab yesterday, benefits of being a cabinetmaker. Picking up more...
  2. HillTopGrowLabz

    Need Help Force Flower Sexing

    Hey Guys and Girls, So the plan for this year was to get my clones and do my thing like I have done the last two years. Well, my friend happened to drop me off some brand new seedlings just starting to sprout. Couldn't say no, so I decided I would try the seed thing this year. I am a medical...
  3. HillTopGrowLabz

    How OFTEN should I add nutrients in my aerogarden?

    I follow the same philosophy as Chiefin. New water, new nutes.
  4. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    Most definitely, man.
  5. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    I'm not sure what is causing that. I imagine it probably has something to do with me taking the clone from a flowering plant. I'm not sure at this point if I should trim it back some or let I keep growing into the bush it is starting too. Your plants look good, it will be interesting to...
  6. HillTopGrowLabz

    stealth grow under cfl!

    Hell yeah, bro! Nice thread and your herbs are looking dank!
  7. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    Update. Got back from a 3 day vacation to see substantial root and vegative growth. Also picked up another 60watt grow bulb, PH tester and Earth Juice Bloom. My tentative plan is to keep it vegging for another week then switch it to 12/12 light and the EJ.
  8. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    Little 4 day update, just because I've seen some good growth. I trimmed back the old leaves from the two new babies. They didnt look as healthy as the new growth and looked to be on there way out. The middle one has really put on some good veg and root growth.
  9. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    I would say that would work, or check out the other mediums such as rock wool and CocoTek. I have pretty good luck without rooting solution.
  10. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    I did recently have success using this method for cloning. I used the standard cloning method of a 45 degree cut under water, then scraped the outer layer away off the first couple of inches. After 2 weeks of being in the bottle and sitting outside in moderate sun/shade, the cuttings had...
  11. HillTopGrowLabz

    HTGL's AeroEndeavor

    Whattup Growheads, Let me start out that though I have zero experience growing hydroponically, I am on my 4th year of successful outdoor medical growing. That being said, I've been scouring the forums collecting knowledge, preparing for the capability to grow year round. Though I am far from...
  12. HillTopGrowLabz

    Cloning in my homemade aerogarden.

    I recently attempted my first cloning experiment after being given an AG. I did the normal 45 deg cut under water, scraped the outer layer off on the bottom inch or so. Next I took Gatorade bottles, drilled a whole in the cap, filled with water, and placed the clone's stem inside. I let these...