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  1. mr.mike

    Pillar DeathDestruction Defeat My 2 Ak48 Plants Are for sure GONERS unless u help PLZ

    why are you posting this every where? unscribed
  2. mr.mike

    Favorite Munchie Food?

  3. mr.mike

    Pillar DeathDestruction Defeat My 2 Ak48 Plants Are for sure GONERS unless u help PLZ

    remove the dead leaves and let it finish... feed only water
  4. mr.mike

    Pillar Death Agony Fear Destruction My 2 Ak-48 Plants Are Dying Help Lord

    wait it out!! remove the dead leaves and let it finish
  5. mr.mike

    Is it a huge risk carrying a pound?

    worst advice ever.... never admit to anything, ever. i dont care it the cop were a hot red head with DD askin about my massive cock, i wouldnt tell her shit. here is my license, registration. and insurance card. thank you for that ticket and good bye
  6. mr.mike

    lookin for medi help already posted this but tryin to spread the word for info for a new possible medi user... ... ... please reply to that link
  7. mr.mike

    celiac disease ++rep

    I have a childhood friend and throught the years we lost touch, we are now 8000 miles away and 10 yrs since seein 15 since a conservation but facebook led us together again...(it happens) comes down to it shes been in some trouble and the doc is sayin its celiac disease. i dont personally have...
  8. mr.mike

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    your doin fine sir, every time i look im impressed. take a deep breath and hold it, hold it, hold it... ok exhale. im takin notes gotta finish
  9. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    wow really from the clinic? im at a loss of words on that one...thats like gettin a scrip for vikes and bein jacked by the pharmacist, no thats the exact same thing. those dudes are fuckin scum and karma is one cunt you dont need to tempt like that. i am sorry that that happened to you, or...
  10. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    anyone know the video length limit, if any? that would work better
  11. mr.mike

    L.S.T tie down ???

    look at my face i am a man of the wilderness, i was too a boyscout...and soldier for many years. the twine i used was 99cents for 3 balls and would knot itself during unravel, adjusting a slipknot didnt happen easily very often
  12. mr.mike

    L.S.T tie down ???

    thats what i did, you may have a better quality twine than what i used cause adjusting it kept pissin me off
  13. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    ill post a pic of my front door tomorrow... 6 1.5 x .5inch steal rods slide from the door into the concrete and brick wall, and im on the 3rd floor so the only way you get in my house is if i let you. the doorknob will just spin freely unless there is a key in the door. ive locked myself out...
  14. mr.mike

    L.S.T tie down ???

    nice both are good ideas, i may try the candle wic one on another grow
  15. mr.mike

    possible hermie plants?help

    yes or no without a pic or 2 you cant get a real answer...unless you look at pix of herm plants and decide for yourself. you can pick up a digital cam for 15$, use a phone, anything. good luck even if it is a herm its better than nothin
  16. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    shoot em in the leg throw em through your livingroom window go back inside and shoot em again...self defence
  17. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    then lynch the fuckers...get some one that had a med card to grow where they pretended to be cops and have them testify against them. thats a felony in itself, and prob the only way you can get real cops to care that any thing even happened
  18. mr.mike

    Too late to tie down?

    start from the top and take it down low then you can hold the branches down too and they will make large colas here are a few pix from mine now... but look here lots of lst examples. 1 plant in a few different pots
  19. mr.mike

    every who has gotten raided..

    I hope any info you post it 100% legit, chances are they will get their asses beat. not sayin they wouldnt deserve it but if its the wrong guy...
  20. mr.mike

    Too late to tie down?

    its never to late, if you get alot of resistance and are worried it will break, stop there tie it down and do it a bit further the next day...i love lst! use slipknots to make adjustments easier for you