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  1. mr.mike

    Where To Get Salvia Seeds/ Cuttings?

    get a clone seeds are 99% not to grow
  2. mr.mike

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    im sorry man i spent a few days out on the river, you may have already taken care of your issue but i will explain it as clear as i can for your future problems... with mdf being brittle, i would drill a clean hole about 1/2 to 1" about 1in deep and then fill that hole with wood glue (still a...
  3. mr.mike

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    what i would do with the mdf is drill a hole a bit smaller than a dime and fill it with woodglue and toothpicks cram those fuckers in there tight (dripping issue upsidedown) when its all dry snap off the toothpicks that are hanging out of the hole and sand it flush. that new area should hold the...
  4. mr.mike

    Tell me what you think. Pics attached.

    looking great alot better than when you got her lights are too far away
  5. mr.mike

    WTF!!!Too much rain?Please Help!!!

    i wouldnt take water away, it rained for days chances are it will be sunny for a while let nature do its thing. if rain is the problem the plant will be better for it
  6. mr.mike

    WTF!!!Too much rain?Please Help!!!

    pix would help, but what kind of soil did you add if it has some good drainage and the suns back you should be cool in a day or 2
  7. mr.mike

    Need some advice!! Plants are all flowering

    ok thats a good question, instead of a bump ask in the outdoor thread "average heights with different sized pots" or "what do you harvest from an outdoor pot" im not being a dick just wanted to know why you were bumping what has been answered. and if i see a question like that on a thread i...
  8. mr.mike

    Need some advice!! Plants are all flowering

    :wall: :wall: why do you keep bumping your questions been answered like 6 times???
  9. mr.mike

    Trimming during flowering

    I only remove the yellowing leaves or a leaf that has been half chewed up by something. mostly the yellowing leaves i dont have much of a pest problem. the leaves are what collect the energy to feed your will hear to do it and to not to do it but thats what i do.
  10. mr.mike

    budding outdoors?

    yep its a girl, lots of things you can feed it try the search bar figure out whats best for you
  11. mr.mike

    Myths about mirrors.

    mirrors break would have to be cut to size and would need to be washed near daily, if you can deal with that alone give it a shot man take pix and start a journal
  12. mr.mike

    Need some advice!! Plants are all flowering

    some people just cant put it in the ground, mine are on my 3rd floor balcony. i dont have a yard, i cant gorilla shit. no car, in the middle of a city... i might look kinda odd walkin around with a shovel and a few bags of dirt lookin for a spot. im just happy shes out in the sun gettin some...
  13. mr.mike

    Need some advice!! Plants are all flowering

    I JUST did this today. i made a few extra slightly larger holes in the original bucket filled another 5 gal about 3/4 up watered it well and set it in. the new bucket had well drainage holes from a prior grow so i wasnt worried about that... how you described your root ball sounds like over...
  14. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    hell yeah man thats what i was goin for, i even have about a half inch lip from the size difference and amount of soil between the buckets where i can just water the bottom half if i wanted to. the next watering is in 2 days. i think im gonna flush everything and then pay attention to the level...
  15. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    its heavy as fuck. if i kicked it, it would just slide across the tile. its not gonna tip
  16. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    i did... the outside bucket has about 15 half inch holes just around the bottom side and a good 5 half inch and 5 1inch throughout the bottom. the inside bucket has 3 lairs starting from the bottom to about the half way point, of .5 inch holes all around like the outside bucket. the bottom of...
  17. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    meh... I did it any way, I dont see anything bad happening. I didnt "transplant" so should be about much shock as pickin up the bucket to feel for water weight. if it works awesome i just gave her a few more gallons to stretch out in and if not oh well she will stay in her original bucket and...
  18. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    i would prob do the same but its on my balcony and might be hard to dig through that... but other than the wind or animal issue you dont see a problem with the roots growing through the drainage holes and expanding into the new soil in the bottom bucket?
  19. mr.mike

    quick outdoor bucket question

    I have my girl 1 week into flowering in a 5 gal bucket. would it be helpful, harmful or nothing, if i were to fill up another 5gal a bit more than half way and sit the older bucket inside it. would the roots take into the other bucket also making a 7-8gallon bucket without an actual transfer...
  20. mr.mike

    !!!!cf off the scale!!!!!!

    Please excuse us simpletons, with less brain power or knowledge of your hydroponics system. To grasp your far superior language or use of broken equipment...kiss-ass