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  1. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    leaf trimming help

    Most people tend to have the mindset of trimming fan leaves in hopes of letting the buds get more light. This is wrong. Let top of the canopy grow naturally, and like moash said, just worry about trimming lower branches and leaves. But don't do it in flowering or you could stunt your plant...
  2. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    When do i flower?

    First time with a female, eh? Congrats on reaching manhood. Heh, jk. Anyways, you can flower the plant at anytime you wish. You could do it now, or in another month. Just keep in mind that your plant is going to grow anywhere from 20% - 66% larger during the first ~4weeks. :peace: -AR
  3. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Question about last week of flowering (PICS)

    On a second note... I didn't notice that you said the temperatures were getting in the 30's. This could be potentially bad for the plant. At temps that low, the plant will cease growth. However, since this is only happening at night, you could try leaving it out. Like I said, during the day, it...
  4. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Question about last week of flowering (PICS)

    Hi, Yes, if you can leave the plant outside for another week, go for it. Though there is little light, there is still enough to activate the plant's photosynthetic processes. That means the buds will still continue to beef up a bit, and the trichome production will still be in full swing. Stop...
  5. AdReNaLiNeRuSh


    Your pictures are a little hard to make out, but judging from that last picture, I would say yes. Look at the calyxes where the pistols usually come out of. I just saw a friend's herm out yesterday, and I noticed 2 pistols and 2 stamens both coming out of the same calyx. If you see this, then...
  6. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Short Satives?

    Like marijewana was saying, you can train the plant to grow more horizontally if vertical space is an issue. Othewise, no. Pure sativas will grow tall. Your best bet is finding a ~70/30 mix of sativa/indica. And I would even train that becuase it will still grow fairly tall. :peace: -AR
  7. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    how far into flowering before humidity effects plants?

    Mold can attack any part of the plant, especially the fan leaves. In my experience though, I've found mold beginning to grow between the bud and the stem. Either way, this is a problem that should be corrected as soon as you can. It could start on your fan leave at any time, and really get at...
  8. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Petsmart Ro system $89 any good?

    Hi, This is the filter that I use: . It's more in your price range and filters water a lot faster. The website says 60 gal/hour, but I believe it says only 45 on the box. Either way, it's substantially faster than the one you are looking...
  9. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    I Need Expert Help PLEASE!!

    Honestly, don't you think that spending money on an A/C unit instead of your cooltube negates the point of having one? I have a 68" dual cooltube with 2x 1000w HPS bulbs in it and no A/C, yet I manage to keep my room at ~75°F. Your is a 400w. I would focus on getting what you already have to...
  10. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    soil ph what is the most accurate method to check it

    I'm always open to being proved wrong. Care to provide an explanation behind why you think this? :peace: -AR
  11. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    how do u quick dry buds??

    Cabela's makes a great dehydrator which will do a rather well job of curing it within 12 hours. :peace: -AR
  12. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    soil ph what is the most accurate method to check it

    In my opinion, those meters are highly inaccurate. Testing the runoff is your best bet, especially if you have the luxury of a digital pH meter. :peace: -AR
  13. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Does white paper reflect??

    Hi, Contrary to popular belief, tin foil is not very effective in reflecting light. I would use mylar or black & white poly. I actually used the poly to construct my whole grow room, and the white side does an excellent job reflecting the light. :peace: -AR
  14. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    I Need Expert Help PLEASE!!

    Your fan is not big enough to take full advantage of the cooltube. I would start there. Also, kinks in the ducting take away from the airflow as well. If possible, straight in and straight out. :peace: -AR
  15. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Stupid question

    Hi, Even in small grows, seeds can be a likely occurrence. There are a number of scenarios that could make this happen. The most likely is the transfer of pollen. This can come from your exposure to other male plants, pot that has male flowers on it, or you could have a plant herm out and...
  16. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Flowering and nutrients.

    No, your plant is going to need more than just phosphorous and potassium. You're missing all the micro & macro nutrients that are essential, then there's always more that are very beneficial. I would start off by adding CalMag by Botanicare to your plant. Aside from the obvious calcium and...
  17. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    25 days flowering and brown hairs

    Be prepared for the jump in price if you switch. You're going to spend a fortune in nutes, but imo, it's well worth it. Miracle Grow is a generic fertilizer, formulated to cover a broad spectrum of plants. However, each plant specie has its own needs in terms of light, nutes, temp, etc... When...
  18. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    25 days flowering and brown hairs

    I have another theory about the dying hairs. I, too, have been having specific buds with the hairs turning and dying. Coincidentally, I have a habit of squeezing the bud while it's still growing so that I can see how dense it is and how wonderful it smells. Go figure, the buds that I squeeze are...
  19. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    25 days flowering and brown hairs

    A quick little insight to how I trim mine for big buds... As they veg, I top them early on, usually once or twice, then let them grow natural. A week before the plant is ready to be switched to 12/12, I take a initial batch of clones using the branches from the bottom area. The next week, the...
  20. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    25 days flowering and brown hairs

    I use that trimming technique, but you should be careful taking too much off your plant at this point. I had two identical plants in flower a few harvests ago, one that was trimmed before it was put in and the other still bushy. At around 3 weeks, I decided to trim off the little nugs under the...