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  1. W


    Is it possible to take multiple clones from a single branch or can you only clone the top? For example if I have a 15 inch branch can I make three 5 inch clones from the branch as long as each of the 5 inch pieces have a set of fan leaves? If you can take multiple clones from a single branch...
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    Hawaii Growers

    How does spectrum analysis work?
  3. W

    Guerrilla grower's nightmare Leaf spot disease

    Can you provide a link to the website? Thank You!
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    Green Crack/Outdoor/ Bad yellowing problem

    I think you may have the leaf spot disease.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Sorry about your experience and I am sure that who ever it was is going to have some bad luck in the future. Karma is a bitch, is right!
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    Hawaii Growers

    I use a Dehumidifier to dry my weed. I live in East Hawaii where humidity is often more then 90% so you really need a Dehumidifier to avoid mold.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Is there any leaf spots on the plant? It looks like one of my plants that caught leaf spot bacteria or fungus. If that is an outdoor grow and it gets wet a lot from the rain it could be the leaf spot bacteria or fungus if the PH is good and you are giving enough nutrients. In areas that rain...
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    Hawaii Growers

    What is the best thing to control leaf spots or the leaf bacteria? I am sure many outdoor grows especially growers on the windward side of the islands have experience some trouble with the bacteria or fungus.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Mahalo Cooter@666 for the link and all your advice and help on RUI!
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    Hawaii Growers

    Double Post. Please Remove.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Mahalo for the information! I will try and do things by the moon phase and see how it goes. Mahalo for sharing all your manao about the cannabis plants, I really appreciate the help and advice! Just trying to learn as much as I can so I can grow the best plants possible!
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    Hawaii Growers

    Aloha SurfdOut, Can you increase your yield by growing by the moon phases? If yes, what is the average percentage of increase? Please excuse my ignorance but I just thought that it was a myth that I first heard when I was my teens. Mahalo
  13. W

    Cloning Gel?

    Does cloning gel have an expiration date? On average about how many clones can you make out of a 60ml or 100ml bottle? Is all the brands the same or is some better then others? Mahalo and Aloha, Waiakeauka
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    Hawaii Growers

    I used to use tarps that drain into a 55 gallon barrel to hold my water back in the days when I was a hardcore cropper.
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    Barneys farm - Violator Kush. (smoke/strain report)

    Nice grow! What was your total yield after a 8 week veg? Also what size pot did you use?
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    400W flowering White rhino, ICE, Rocklock. (Flower since May 20)

    How is the Rocklock doing? Did you harvest her yet? I have a Rocklock that is like 2 weeks in flowering and she is a definitely more sativa then indica and my leaves look almost identical to yours so I wanted to find out how many weeks did it flower before harvesting and how is the smoke in...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Beware Blue Card Holders, Big Island Police raid 3 different residences for Commercial Promotion of Marijuana. The article said that the police was conducting aerial observations and probably checking if the Blue Card Holders were in compliance with the state Medical Marijuana Laws...
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    Just droppin some pics19 days in flower.

    Nice Grow! Is that 19 days from switching to 12/12 or from showing pre flowers?
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    Hawaii Growers

    Hawaii County Police did participate in marijuana eradication with the State Department of Public Safety last week because through their observations they ended up raiding a house and property that had more then 300 plants...