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  1. Dj1209

    Transplant Help...

    I have 6 plants that are still pretty early in development and I have had them in the original plastic cups they sprouted in i'm just wondering if they should be transplanted into a new larger pot. Yesterday I had 2 plants that died from the heat so i decided to probe around in the dirt and the...
  2. Dj1209

    Will Stem Turn To Root?

    For most of us we have experienced the tragedy of our little seedlings stretching, a rookie mistake of stationing the light to far away from the plants. Now what I trying to figure out is what can we do to help them become bigger stronger plants. I read somewhere that if you bury the plant a...
  3. Dj1209

    Time To Start...

    Right now i have 8 plants all about 3 inches tall and only 2 small leaves and i'm pretty sure that its to early to put them outside but i'm not a pro. So my question is at what time or size should i put the plants outside, and how should i go about it pot's, Bucket's, straight in the dirt? Also...
  4. Dj1209

    Average Yield

    How much weed can i expect from my plants, i wish that i could give more info to get a better answer but truthfully i have no idea on what strain it is because i started with about 30 seeds and multiple strains and forgot to label them. I am currently growing them inside until its warm enough...
  5. Dj1209


    I have been looking around and have seen a lot of different lighting ratio's, and now when i think about it I am not sure which one will work the best. What are your lighting ratio's throughout the plants life. Right now my seedlings are on a 24/0 ratio then i planned on going to 20/4, 16/8...
  6. Dj1209

    Will they fix themselves?

    Hi I am completely new to growing and this is my first grow, I planted about 10 seeds. But after 3 days i didn't notice any growth so i pushed away some of the dirt on the top and i found that the seeds sprouted but since the dirt on top somehow got compacted, they were not able to go up and out...