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  1. bluedreambaby

    What's up with this funky lady?

    Heya! Ok. This girl (pics taken between 26 and 31 days after 12/12 switch) started looking like this midway through vegging- leaves edges and tips curving downward- upside down canoe style? Her growth and budding has been great in spite of it, so I haven't worried about it too much- thought...
  2. bluedreambaby

    Planning round 2

    Thanks Bud! So here's a couple more questions- 1) Nothing in my Cervantes book in the chapter about electricity makes one damn bit of sense to me. I just don't get the electricity thing. In tiny words- if I try to plug a 400 and a 600 watt HID into one outlet, will something catch on fire or...
  3. bluedreambaby

    Planning round 2

    Ok- when ya put it like that, it makes more sense and definitely feels more overwhelming lol. Maybe this-- a 400+a 600watt, a 7x3.5' space, and 15 total plants- maybe 2-3 strains. A little more workable?
  4. bluedreambaby

    Planning round 2

    Just clarifying- you're saying three and a half by seven feet with two 600 watt hps and 18 total girls? Hmmm.... I wonder if I could get by well enough on a 400 and a 600watt and a butt ton of florescent shop lights- then I'd only have to buy one new thing (the 600 watt) instead of two? If...
  5. bluedreambaby

    Planning round 2

    Hey all- long time lurker and 2nd time poster here. So my first grow is wrapping up relatively well considering I did just about EVERYTHING wrong- I stretched them, burned them, starved them, under lit them, moved them, and in spite of it, they're turning out beautifully. Hopefully I've...
  6. bluedreambaby

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all! Been lurking for a while, finally have questions pressing enough to register and post lol. Look forward to getting to know ya'll!