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  1. grow2smoke1


    dam snew,looks great! your hairs are turning colors,i cant wait for that
  2. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack CGE Spring 2010

    wow that co2 must really work,caus i vegged from seed for 5 weeks and they were only about 8" when i went to flowering,then they grew another 11" in the first 21 days of flowering.I'm hoping to get 2 ounces per plant but this is my first grow and have no idea what ill get,was hoping you could...
  3. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack CGE Spring 2010

    how many blackjacks are you growing in your 3x9 floor area?
  4. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    Thanks Doe and Snew,I thought the first pic was the best too,thats why I put it first,lol.... Snew in your grow journal of blackjack,I think you said you noticed tric's at about day 23 of flowering,I can't wait to see that.The hair balls are growing towards each other some,and I cant wait till...
  5. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    Day 21 flowering,tommorrow starts day 1 of week 4.The tallest girl is now 20" the others are 18 or 19"It's been 24 hours since nute watering and no sign of nute burn this time around.Picked some dead leaves off the top of the pot that had fallen off and died.Have a very small bit of yellowing of...
  6. grow2smoke1

    If marijauna becomes 100% legal

    If weed became 100% legal in the states I think big tobacco would definatly produce it,the government would tax it and it would be sold wherever you can buy cigerettes and beer.I think you would have to be 21 with I.D. to purchase just like beer,and where you can smoke would be regulated just...
  7. grow2smoke1


    I sure hope carbon filters really do what there suppose too.I'm so paranoid about my blackjacks smelling up the place.
  8. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack CGE Spring 2010

    Hey unity,if i remember right,on your last grow,your black jacks vegged for 2 months(8 weeks)what was the final yield per plant average.Mine are smaller then yours were,I'm at 19" at 20 days into flowering.Was kinda hoping you might be able to give me a guesstimate on what I might get per plant
  9. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    Thanks Doe Eyes,havn't gotten really many followers to this thread.Did u once say your growing BLZ bud?? Have you smoked it yet,if so got a report on taste and effect and grow heights/yield/flowering time. My next grow is going to be 7 plants,all short ones all different strains all finishing in...
  10. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    Today is day 20 of flowering,the tallest girl is now 19" and I'm very happy with the progress of the bud formation,and to think 7 days ago I was out of my mind thinking I'm way behind.White hairs are getting more and more each day,the hair ball has defiantly formed and is getting bigger.Today I...
  11. grow2smoke1


    lookin sweet snew.I think the crystals on the leaves start in weeks 5 and 6.Your about a week and a half ahead of me.Im just getting my white hair balls.I'll be watchin.I noticed on some of your pics the leaves look like they are curled under,I have 1 of my 5 doing the same thing.
  12. grow2smoke1

    619SixFour 3rd Grow, GrowLab 180L, Advanced Nutes, 400W

    what size is your flower tent with the 10 girls in it
  13. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    thanks a ton,i love this sight
  14. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    I noticed 2 days ago on my tallest plant,some of the large fan leaves have curled under.I'm pretty sure this is a water problem,too much or too little.This plant gets the same amount of water as the other 4 and those dont have the curling under issue.Any suggestions???
  15. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    ahhh,it was unitynot snew who said he got 6" between there blackjack nodes after flowering. The smaller the better right??
  16. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    thanks caashtree,my topo nodes are less then 2"apart,and some plants its closer to 1" apart at the top.So I never got the mad stretch,they have grown from 9" to 17" in 18 days of flowering.A bit of nute burn on some leaves,but 95% of the grow is green and sweet.I think i stunted there growth...
  17. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    So I just got the home made c02 generator today,it's basically a cup with a lid,and a hose attatched to the lid.Then you put warm water in the cup and mix in the 2 different ingredients that come with it,and they mix and presto c02,it says each mix will last a week or 2 in my tent.It was 11...
  18. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    a dam,after spending 3 hours on there sight,i find out they dont ship to the US
  19. grow2smoke1

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower wow i stumpled onto this sight,and it offers 1 seed from 100s of strains.This is exactly what I was looking for,all the biggest growers are included in there inventory(Nirvana,Green House,Barneys etc)
  20. grow2smoke1


    Hows the odor so far in week 4?Mine are just starting week 3,slight odor when i open the tent but noting major.I have an array of odor combating pieces in carbon filter,ona gel,incense,2 air purifiers,and an ozone generator.I havn't been running the exhaust fan/carbon filter during...