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  1. cavorkybuds420

    Please i need help lots of confusion

    I have 2 dwc plant im giving a go. Its my first time with hydro. Ive been growing for 6 years now and ready to try hydro. My 2 dwc plants are healthy but the roots dont look like they should. I am running full line of Fox farm just shy of full strength. I am 6 weeks in veg with one and 3 with...
  2. cavorkybuds420

    BF Pineapple Chunk Fems first time journal first time grow. Sugst Welcome

    Fimming is the shit if done right it can be botched though so be carefull. To fim AKA fuck i missed. Take the top growth and cut not all but some of doesnt matter how much little is better DONT CUT THE HOLE TOP OFF just half or a little more. I love fimming and you can get huge ass bushes if...
  3. cavorkybuds420

    How To: DWC

    I had a drip for a couply of weeks on my 5 gal dwc i took it out because i noticed alot of salt and nutrient build up. i havent noticed any difference with it or with out it. Im sure it helps Start babys with small root mass. IN33D has a massive root system for only 4 days how long was it in the...
  4. cavorkybuds420

    3rd grow, 5 weeks flowering, problem with fan leaves. PIC'S INCLUDED*

    Mollases is a organic form of carbohydrates wich is very important for plants starting to flower because they use up all there stored energy. You will see a difference in plant health and growth if used properly i use when i feed. Only a few during veg and every fedding in flower. Not sure how i...
  5. cavorkybuds420

    Help need with ventilation please!

    I run one 600 w and still have my ac in my window. Your gunna want a 65, to 70 degrees my temps never break 70 that with an ac on for 15min off for 15. while lights are on. Dark period is only 15 mins an hour. Air conditioning is the only way to drop temps fast.
  6. cavorkybuds420

    How to start outdoors in a backyard? help!

    Starting an outdoor grow for big plants take time. If you can start them in doors and transplant to outdoors. Again read read read. For big plants your gunna need a big hole or like I said a big trash can. And no not every one is lyers just verify that what they are saying can be backed up. I...
  7. cavorkybuds420

    3rd grow, 5 weeks flowering, problem with fan leaves. PIC'S INCLUDED*

    you wont see any change on your already affected leaves but it wont persist and new growth stays healthy.
  8. cavorkybuds420

    slime on roots

    clean every thing your rez spray of your roots gently with tap water use your shower or what ever works flush your system with pm-90 for 2 hours your gunna want bennefical microbes to eat any of thos bad bacteria causein this slime look a DWC Root slime Cure give the full run down very help full...
  9. cavorkybuds420

    3rd grow, 5 weeks flowering, problem with fan leaves. PIC'S INCLUDED*

    Do your leaves droop as well? Are u using straight ff nutes do you use the solubles 2. How about carbohydrates, any? I use ff caught that same issue. but leaves were curling under and drooping like it needed water. started adding mollases evry feeding and no more spotting or dropping leaves.
  10. cavorkybuds420

    WTF AnyOne Know Whats Goin On. HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ya bro dont feed your plants yet when you do start 1/4 strength and go from there i use ff and have built my plants to full strength nutes. Ocean forest is a good quallity soil but even better when mixed 50/50 with light warroir another ff product. your plants shouldnt be fed any nutes until...
  11. cavorkybuds420

    How to start outdoors in a backyard? help!

    Bro go organic with outdoor look up subcools super soil. First your gunna want either 20 gallon trashcans or big deep holes. Put that super soil in the bottom half of the trash can or a hole then fill with good old base soil just good quallity bag soil. all you will have to do after thats is...
  12. cavorkybuds420

    Help need with ventilation please!

    Sir ganga he is running 3 lights not 1. I would imagine that being its almost summer and temps were im from atleast will be 100 degrees average there is no way i can cool my room with outside air. If your going to be keeping your house at 70-75 use that air. Now not to say that just because its...
  13. cavorkybuds420

    Trade Clones?

    Hey i am a patient here in eastern washington with a few strains. Which one is the beloved purple urkle. I was hoping that any other washington patients might have somthing to trade a cut of. I am really interested in Romulan, Bubba, ChemDog, Blue Dream, Albert Walker, Nice Guy, Any cuts along...
  14. cavorkybuds420

    Molasses NPK ratio?

    BRIX is what they use to check sugar content in mainly fruit. Oranges apples lemons so on and so forth. I have never hered of any one grab one of them damn meters and sqeezing a bud till a couple of drops fall on the scope. The fact of the matter is research it all u want. I use it because it...
  15. cavorkybuds420

    Molasses NPK ratio?

    Molassas isgreat shit. Its not sugar but the biproduct from sugar cane or beet's not sure wich one or both. I use for maeniesium and calcium and to bust up carbohydrates which the plants use as energy and any in excess get stored for when its needed. Which explains why my buds are currently...
  16. cavorkybuds420

    Plant seems to be very sick, please help!!!!

    It could be some sort of disease. I would take two full gallons of water two that pot. Take a milk jug freshly empty nothing curlded, Fill it up 24 hours before waterings. they add abunch of shit to the dead water they harvest from the other side of the world and sell it for a major profit. Use...
  17. cavorkybuds420

    Ph and Flushing!

    If plants are defiecent and stressed to the point of burning fiberous roots why do they continue to swell after flush begins. The point of flush is to leach of all chemical compounds within the plant its self. So we are only getting the chemical compounds within the medicine that are most...
  18. cavorkybuds420

    Ph and Flushing!

    Ight so some people feed with just water especially with subcools super bomb soil. His idea is ingenius. The fact of the matter is would you rather smoke dank or smoke NPK. I feed organic not because of taste because of my family. When i had kids i had to make a decision and there safety was...
  19. cavorkybuds420

    Mylar tents are they really worth it?

    it will do what you need. you will definitley need a 600 watt. Intake and exuast. And if you really want to yield some wieght push a C02 system of some sort... tents were created to make a small space more compatible so take advantage them.
  20. cavorkybuds420

    Plant seems to be very sick, please help!!!!

    His plants are flowering check it. Drop your temps. Its nitrogen and somthing else if it is boron google "boron and cannbis" it will find somthing thats how i found RIU.