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  1. scwascwa

    Scwascwa's new grow :)

    Hey guys i kno its been awhile since ive had a grow going but check it out tell me how shes doin ... She is called sweet deep grape fruit from nirvana
  2. scwascwa

    First go around

    u need to give us pictures
  3. scwascwa

    Scwascwa is back again :)_

    I AM BACK!! hey guys im back once again with a new location lemme kno if yalll wann asee pictures
  4. scwascwa

    to all my people im sorry ive been gone but i finally have a new location and its underway and...

    to all my people im sorry ive been gone but i finally have a new location and its underway and she is beautiful so i will post pictures if u guys want
  5. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    u neeed to update ur stuff bro lol even though i go through many problems i still have one flowering :)
  6. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    hey man i had a stunted white widow that was just under the lights that i forgot about and she has started shwing hairs ... its a feminized from nirvana seed so its been flowering for bout 5 days now
  7. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    ill get on it dont worry lol
  8. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    well i think im gonna cry i have no seeds and no nothing now because this bitch bitch of a plant which i have had veggiing forever ..... its a male :( i need to go get a clone from my buddy
  9. scwascwa

    uhh if theybe been in dark for 16 hours then u deff need to start flowering asap or they will...

    uhh if theybe been in dark for 16 hours then u deff need to start flowering asap or they will more than likey hermie
  10. scwascwa

    mg sucks period always has

    mg sucks period always has
  11. scwascwa

    o ya also put the drain holes at the very bottom of the pot not on the side

    o ya also put the drain holes at the very bottom of the pot not on the side
  12. scwascwa

    first off i dont reccomend using miracle grow it always cause problems BUT since u have already...

    first off i dont reccomend using miracle grow it always cause problems BUT since u have already put them in it you have to make sure u never over water ..... when u water them water till the whole top of the soil is moist and then keep watering for a couple seconds so it has time to get down to...
  13. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    ya that does suck bro
  14. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    Well my girl has purple stalks and is gettin hints of purple in her leaves@ :)
  15. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    ey green i put her in flowering today my friend hopefully she does good with those 12 26 watt cfls
  16. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    well the white widow smells like some skunky funk like fruity pebbles lol and since im on probation i wont be smoking it till march 8
  17. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    hmmm ill have to get some and this is supposed to be that pineapple express feminized from nirvana
  18. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    ok heres my girl ive vegged her for almost 2 months and ive super cropped topped and lstd her and she gone through her fair share of problems i got a new light setup with 12 26 watt daylight spectrum cfls
  19. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    yupp sure is
  20. scwascwa

    Scwreen simultanious grow...

    can i use my other plant ?????????????????????