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  1. thenotorious420

    First Grow. WW

    Dro all i can say is awesome job...*drools*... all your hard work is finally paying off eh! It's gunna be one green Christmas for ya !!!:leaf: peace:bigjoint:
  2. thenotorious420

    Stickys pg13 mix grow....

    Hey bro thanks for the post didn't think Id get one so soon!:mrgreen: Awesome looking set-up you've got there and the plants look really healthy! I'll be tuning into this fo'sho! peace:blsmoke:
  3. thenotorious420

    White Widow 400w MH/HPS !!!

    I've started six feminized white widows which are just past the sprouting stage they're about six days old. I bought the seeds from which delivered them in under a week and in a very discreet package. There currently on a 18/6 cycle, the light will be roughly a foot away from...
  4. thenotorious420

    First Grow

    dammmn dude this was a DIRTY thread!!!!! love the end result hope i can achieve the same!!! quick question tho what nutes did you use for veg/flower ???!!thanks!!!!! PEACE:blsmoke:
  5. thenotorious420

    First Grow. WW

    Awesome grow dr0 gunna be some dank :joint:!!! All this talk about WW's is getting me pumped for mine, ahah just sprouted btw!! Can't wait to see those at 8 weeks!! :blsmoke:peace
  6. thenotorious420

    trueloveforever164 1st Grow of PPP, Snow White and Supergirl

    Hey! Nice looking plants truelove going to be some good :joint:!! lol I was wondering what nutrient solution you used as the burn didn't seem to affect them all too much? Thanks! and good luck! :blsmoke:peace
  7. thenotorious420

    600w Hps average yield

    The conversion for 20 ltr is just above 5 gallons. You can expect .5 per watt, 5 gallons might be too big for indoors depending on your space from what i know each gallon is roughly a foot in plant growth but keep in mind your plants will DOUBLE in size when you hit the flowering process...
  8. thenotorious420

    6 White Widow - 4 god knows?

    Me again!! lol just another quick question. I'm paranoid at the distance I should leave between my plants and the light, what distance did you use and how often did you move the light ?
  9. thenotorious420

    6 White Widow - 4 god knows?

    Hey beautiful plants!!! I'm about to start some F WW's of my own and was wondering about plant size. Did you use 3 gallon or what size and how tall approx. did your plants grow? Thanks!!
  10. thenotorious420

    6 plants white widow feminized 400w or 600w hps ?

    Thanks for the replies! I was also wondering a good soil mix to start these in I've seen some people using 100% pearlite with great results but I've also been told to add humus, and sponge rock. Any suggestions? I also need a good fertilizer too! thanks!
  11. thenotorious420

    6 plants white widow feminized 400w or 600w hps ?

    Hey im about to start 6 white widow feminized seeds and was in a dilema about what lights to use, mainly for potency and yeild. I can either use a 600w or 400w hps or mh. Would it be better to also use some cfls along with the mainlight or is it just overkill? Also should i buy a mh for veg or...