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  1. Cole.420

    Liquid Cooled Lighting Liquid Lumens

    You could create alot more lumens with 500$. (HPS) or (Metal Halide). And if you already have some then do a "Liqiud Luman" grow journel and lets see if there worth the crazy price, id like to see it. :)
  2. Cole.420

    Pond water

    lol :hump:
  3. Cole.420

    Mail order lighting?

    You could also buy a P.O box for 6 dollars a month for one month and have it shipped there...
  4. Cole.420

    Mail order lighting?

    Thats a good question, but honestley I wouldent worry about it.
  5. Cole.420

    Plant food question!!!!!

    agreed :).
  6. Cole.420

    too close

    or that,lol
  7. Cole.420

    too close

    Yea hes right atleat she wasent a bitch about it.
  8. Cole.420

    CFL question???

    Yea, but I need bateries for my camera.
  9. Cole.420

    Plant food question!!!!!

    is 10-10-10 neutral?
  10. Cole.420

    CFL question???

    im in flowering and I have twelve 26 watt warm CFLs on one plant
  11. Cole.420

    CFL question???

    Does a 26-watt compact fluorescent bulb emit about 1,550 lumens?
  12. Cole.420

    too close

    Tell her what kind of burning bush mosses talked to in the dessert. And tell her the herb of life ( budz) is spoken of multiple times in the catholic bible.
  13. Cole.420

    I have a problem...

    Funny you say that because thats my mission is to get some y spliters. Also, I just ripped that 3rd prong of the power strip and it worked :). you guys are the shit thanks for the help
  14. Cole.420

    I have a problem...

    Im not so sure about that,lol
  15. Cole.420

    I have a problem...

    Here is my situation...I have a female plant with one 26 watt CFL on it and its in great shape :). Its been in floweing since March 26. It has not formed buds but it has freakishly long hairs. And im certain that its female. The problem is that my timer only has 1 outlet and its a two prong...
  16. Cole.420

    Cross breeding genetics?

    Really? Thats cool I thought if you spread pollen on 1 bud all the buds will grow seeds. And wont pollenating a plant stress it in some way and have a chance of turning it hermie?:mrgreen:
  17. Cole.420

    Cross breeding genetics?

    yea that makes sense but if you were to repeat the process with the same varibles wouldent it give it a 100% heterozygous for autoflowering?:mrgreen:
  18. Cole.420

    Sampling my bud

    Dont toss it, just quickly dry and cure it and tell us if it gets you high. :)
  19. Cole.420

    Can you clone a male plant and get a female?????

    No offense but thats inaccurate, Ive cloned a female and have gotten a male.The clone also suffered from no stress so that was not a factor, but I belive that your right you cant get a FM from M plant :):joint: