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  1. BenRound

    Help with Phosphorus deficiency

    Cant answer definitively, but I can say that I once fed my potted plants a high P feed. This caused an N (and other nutrient) lockout that quickly manifested itself with yellowing lower leaves and stunted bud growth. Luckily, that same week I happened to read Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and...
  2. BenRound

    Telling the sex of a seed just buy looking at the seed* Pictures*

    I heard that you can lay your seeds out and subject them to a time period in front of a screen with images of succulent buds glistening with trichomes and sticky virginal white pistols. Come back after a while and some of the seeds will be sticking straight up in the air. These will tend to be...
  3. BenRound

    LED Grow

    They indicated sex depending on genotype. My favorite, that luckily I made a successful cutting from, sexed in within 48 hrs of 12/12. Its a hardy plant that shot up long stems that compete mightily with the twin main colas I made from topping. Its frosted goodness appeared quite early and...
  4. BenRound

    LED Grow

    Still trying to work on a way to take a pic that shows the true frostiness of the bud. Seems like any pic I take is just a pale reflection of what it looks like in the real. But anyway, I think you'll be happy enough with the light MIMA. Then again, maybe the denseness of my buds is related to...
  5. BenRound


    One need be very careful taking xanax in combination with opiates. It creates a synergistic action. Because of this they are commonly sold outside of methadone clinics to patients looking to up their buzz of the methadone they have either grown tolerant of or are on such a low dose of. Its also...
  6. BenRound

    How long does thc take before it turns psychoactive after cut/dry/cure?

    Well, I know that it takes at least a couple of weeks of drying at normal rates for it to begin to break loose, but thats not really long enough. 2 months should bring out the true quality, but theres some that insist even longer is better yet. I watched a video with Subcool recently and he was...
  7. BenRound

    I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.

    Hey Shotrocker, thought I'd say hi to ya too, make ya feel like theres people on here same situation as you. I too live in a med state. Im now on my my 2nd grow. My first grow was in '86. (And yeah I remember back before that when "homegrown" was a bad word) Maybe I should have been growing all...
  8. BenRound

    I Like Gay Guys

    Well one thing I like about gay guys is that its that much less competition I have to deal with.
  9. BenRound

    LED Grow

    MIMA, tight bro. As in tight inter-nodal spacing. I love it. How far from the canopy are you keeping that LED?
  10. BenRound

    Did I help or hurt my yield?

    Bad. Not much.
  11. BenRound

    LED Grow

    Thats right, Im subbed on this too because I want to see how the light does. I have the same configuration, though its the 135 watt model. I did all this research on LED, but then bought one I really couldnt find a journal or anything on. But I liked it from the time I got it home and plugged it...
  12. BenRound

    Smoking a blunt of ground up stem

    This all makes me think of my situation: being in the middle of my marriage breaking up over running out of MJ. Thats right. I said it. My wife left me last month-- and if it werent for that we'd still be together. We moved out into the sticks and dont know many people around. We can cop, but...
  13. BenRound

    The Purps - BC Bud Depot

    A grower friend grew "the Purps" last year and I bought an ounce. After the purchase I was really sorry I hadnt bought more. I dont know if its the same "the Purps", but this shit was a 2 toker. Best of all though was it lasted for hours-- much, much longer than the average "good" smoke.
  14. BenRound

    Smoking a blunt of ground up stem

    It may not be as bad idea as you think. When I was a kid the neighborhood was dry one time. While at a friends house he produced a fat stalk and proceeded to shave the outer bark off, just the green part and we smoked a bowl. I didnt think it would work. It did. Not great, but better than...
  15. BenRound

    Is mold safe?

    Just my 2c, but I would see about stopping the mold growth asap. See Cervantes on youtube on stopping mold growth. Smoking moldy bud often causes respiratory issues. I would then try making an extract like hash/hash oil. I dont know because I have never tried making hash from moldy bud, but to...
  16. BenRound

    LED Grow

    Well, all I can say is that each plant has different genetics and will have to be treated individually. Today is week 7 of 12/12. One of the two that I topped has twin colas that have a large % of amber pistols and they seem to have almost stopped growing, while the lower buds continue to...
  17. BenRound

    New to Acid

    I hate even reading all this crap. I started tripping in the early 80s. Yes, there was still real LSD on the streets then. Bout $3 a hit. $25 for a sheet of 100 (or less). Not all of it was top-notch, but top notch or not those were the prices and you could (pretty well) count on it being real...
  18. BenRound

    5 x SnowRyder in Stealth Grow Dresser under CFL's..

    Lookin nice. Real curious about flowering time on this strain. Also yield. The breeder seems to be putting out there that you can expect between 15-25g under CFL. Also a few other things about blah blah blah. If it pans out for you the way this breeder says it should, this may be my grow after...
  19. BenRound

    Completely New, Help A Newb Out!

    Yeah, I'll give ya some help: Dont listen to the people on these forums. Nothing against RIU, its a gold mine of info. Its also a mine full of fools gold--- and if you dont know the difference how are you going to be able to tell the difference? "Man, you'll never have a decent crop without some...