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    Real newbie

    SO I sed I would post back in 4 day's and I can only hope that the two seeds and pots - are growing I cant see anything and I thought that it took just 156 h - to see just a small cotyledon and still nothing , I am using the right soil , from the garden shop and IT has spagnum peat moss...
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    Growth mediums

    DUDE I dont know how else - to say what I sed in the first post - but that is what he dose , I am not making any of it up.
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    Watching weed movie

    so I just watched american gangster - again AND I know that this is getting off , topic but - it's how the movie portrays the main char - franc lucas - he's a black man and they show him as some brilliant drug lord - because he sep up his orginazation as a likend to a italian family as...
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    Growth mediums

    SO me and my boy's are talking about dif growth mediums - AND he talking about how he can grow a plant in a wk and it will be 2.5 inches tall, SO I say yeh you can do that because you use a hydro medium . SO my plant wont be that tall because I dose use a soil medium. AND the soil...
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    Guerrilla Guide

    SO me and my boy's are talking about dif growth mediums - AND he talking about how he can grow a plant in a wk and it will be 2.5 inches tall, SO I say yeh you can do that because you use a hydro medium . SO my plant wont be that tall because I dose use a soil medium. AND...
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    Real newbie

    Thanks imchucky666
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    Micro wholesale distribution

    STARTING from the begining again, I trashed my really small plants - I have to six inch pots , I put 1 seed , 1 pot - SO I should be getting two plants , with plant shop soil, from the nursery, so by monday I should see somthing
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    Real newbie

    STARTING from the begining again, I trashed my really small plants - I have to six inch pots , I put 1 seed , 1 pot - SO I should be getting two plants , with plant shop soil, from the nursery, so by monday I should see somthing
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    Real newbie

    SHADOWMOUSEKILLER - I dont want a big plant so I surmise , I will just need to use medium to norm pots
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    Asking for guidance . . :] im newb

    Dude south east asia - dont they exacute you over there for any type of drug ?
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    19 days old

    I used inferior soil, so my first grow and two plants dont look like that
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    Energy weed - seed type

    ALL OF YOU are right , IM growing sativa , and I will be using LSTING FROM THE START.
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    Energy weed - seed type

    HEY GUYS AND GALS - do you know and feel like , how sometimes weed gives you energy and a concentration sate of mined and body the question is what seed type and form of weed would really do that to you to the max , like to the point were you could study a text book for a long time ...
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    Where Do You Reside?

    I live in a subtropical country - NASSAU BAHAMAS WERE like 50 miles from florida
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    Watching weed movie

    AGANE coming down of 3 j's - and wondering why blunts make you, spit - like the weed is making you spit , anyone else have this problem
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    Watching weed movie

    Ha ha right about that
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    Watching weed movie

    DUDE I am coming down of 3 J'S and watching HALF BAKED TALK about back in time, with this movie 14 years old.
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    Sativa or indica tree

    I was walling fom the store and I saw this tree that was budding and it had these broad bushy leaves , indica and leaves going up and sticky are sativa just in the open by the road dude , I did not know what to think. SO INDICA OR SATIVA ?
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    Real newbie

    THAT sucks - so it seems that I might just end up with one
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    Real newbie

    @charface - thanks for the like