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  1. twenty2

    this look familiar?

    see i dont think its heat but im not gonna rule it out yet. also, after further research im thinking its the beginning of a Phosphorus deficiency. should i just go get some bone meal and sprinkle it on the soil? (recommended amount). i just remembered... i think i have a P test kit... hole up.
  2. twenty2

    this look familiar?

    As you can see by the pictures i'm having what appears to be a bug problem. the leaves look like there being chomped on but i havent been able to locate a single insect. Maybe 2 months ago during veg i saw what looked like a few small fruit flies but only 1 or 2 and they were gone within the...
  3. twenty2

    ScrOG in this setup???

    20x20 will work what makes it manageable or not is how large / small u make the screen holes. little holes give u more control over placement... but getting budded plants out of say, a chicken wire scrog would probably be more challenging.
  4. twenty2

    What the heck are these????

    darkdestruction speaks the truth! i think the reason hermies pollinate entire indoor populations is because of how good air circulation is in most of our grows. we're concerned with circulating the air as a defense against mold, but it also accelerates the spreading of pollen. At any rate glad...
  5. twenty2

    ScrOG in this setup???

    I'm nearing the end of my first indoor grow with similar conditions so ill add my 2 cents. if you half your closet your gonna have something like 36" total height each cab. that is WAY too small for flower room using a HPS light unless you also own the worlds smallest stand alone A/C. Im...
  6. twenty2

    What the heck are these????

    Mikey, i would look @ the upper most sections of your main cola(s) for the trichomes. they first appear on the part of the leaf closer to the stalk of the plant than the tip of the leaf. Now the presence of trichomes wont tell you sex but it will let you know your plant is starting to mature...
  7. twenty2

    What the heck are these????

    weird... i remember reading a post somewhere else on here about a guy who's plant looked like it was female... but what was happening was tight leaf clusters were forming where budsights would otherwise be. he said the plant ended up covered in trichomes and he had to trim tightly packed leaves...
  8. twenty2

    Duel problem. Yellowing of lower canopy and top canopy leaves problem

    I'm having very similar problems with my citral that's about 25 days into flower. Leaves have similar brown curl, as well as new top growth having holes in it like bugs are eating it. There is no insect problem so I'm not sure what it is. Soil is very nitrogen rich. Possibly Ph issue soil from...
  9. twenty2

    Anyone living in Ireland know where to get HID lights ? neep help badly !!

    Random that i know the answer to this but... google a place called Nirvana. its in downtown dublin around grafton street. i cant describe it better really cuz i was recently there on vacation. and saw HPS lights hanging in the window. hope this helps.
  10. twenty2

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    lol @ the guy who said mids is 400 bucks a zip
  11. twenty2

    Mother plant question for expert

    thanks for the help sebs, I never did a 24 hr dark cycle. should I? ive heard that the clones root better in darkness than they do in light... so next time ill do a dark cycle. i had seeds germing in the dome too this time anyway soo i needed the light (once they sprouted). 45 degree angle...
  12. twenty2

    Mother plant question for expert

    not trying to thread jack at all but i also have a question on clones. im using green light 'rooting' rooting hormone. cuttings go into rapid rooting pods then into the humidity dome where they get 24 hrs of light from a 50 watt cfl thats like 5 inches above the dome... my question is that i...
  13. twenty2

    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    thanks for the reply Crypt. i dont have a ton [read none] of experience growing indoors, and from my reading i understand that the light intensity of CFL diminishes greatly as the source is moved further away. i'm just concerned my plant is too tall for that one CFL, i dont wanna have a oz of...
  14. twenty2

    4 weeks today flower with PIC's what ya think ..... :)

    anyb0dy have experience with gr0wing a plant that big with CFL. im a r00kie and am using ab0ut 300w full spectrum... i think im g0nna need an0ther 300w atleast t0 finish fl0wer. ill try n get a pic with it a lil further away s0 u can actually see h0w big it is...
  15. twenty2

    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    ya, its been growing a lit latley. above is a 200w cfl. im hesitant to switch to HID lighting because of the heat, i have no ventilation system now... i just open the doors for a little during the light cycle. i mean there is a fan inside but nothing bringing in fresh air / removing stale air...
  16. twenty2

    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    lol there too good of a deal not to use. 5gal for $2.50. ya i dont have a catch tray... probably should get one soon... the party cups have 3 holes in the bottom for drainage and it drains onto cardboard :x. I havent had a mold problem yet but im gonna switch before it becomes an issue. i really...
  17. twenty2

    Crypnotic's Perpetual Grow Journal

    funny when i saw your setup it reminded me of mine. Same dimensions, and oddly the same door... lol i have to get a pic. but you have mylar and different hoods .
  18. twenty2

    Will this cfl be good enough for one or two plants?

    ya i think that would work great. but why CFL? what your looking at is going to be roughly the same size as a HPS or MH 200/200/600. the only difference is gonna be CFL = no heat MH/HPS = heat. btw google "htg gardening" they have great prices on lights... especially 150w and 400w hps lamps. and...
  19. twenty2

    Best Haze EVER!

    To the op, pretty much everything everybody is saying about the potency of the other haze/non-haze strains is true... they are high potency and taste better than the haze aka piff we get in the NE area. as for the 'piff' your talkin about... that is purple haze and pretty much all of it is grown...