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  1. newbie grow420

    7 weeks flower and now heat problem

    That would be a nice affect if it works. I did get a little burn on the leaves I had a miss match plug when I reset up everything. I was rushed and didnt plug into the timer and had like 36hrs of light I was like FUCK got it plugged in right let it sit in dark for 20 hrs then back to 12/12 I had...
  2. newbie grow420

    7 weeks flower and now heat problem

    there is a hole a small one like 3 inches wide in the ceiling its in a closet 3x2. I have a fan about 2 feet below hole on top of board that holds the lights so cant reall move it closer it faces down to create a circulation off the walls across the plants
  3. newbie grow420

    7 weeks flower and now heat problem

    Ok so 7 weeks in and I had to move the girls to another location because of some shit anyways. I used to be able to kepp between 70 and 76F now though its around 86F I'm using cfl's There is a fan an exaust hole but no exuast fan. My question is I cant really do shit about the heat because its...
  4. newbie grow420

    2 plants same pot what to do?

    doubt it they are about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. I will probably do the flush with molasses and cut her then see how long the sativa takes I just dont want to fuck up the sativa there are lots of good buds on there. If I only knew then what I know now. Guess thats what first grows are for fuck up...
  5. newbie grow420

    2 plants same pot what to do?

    Ok I know my first mistake was plant 2 plants in the same pot. I got to this site a little late. Heres the deal I have bagseed 1 looks indica dom the other sativa. The indica is starting to turn orange the pistils that is about 20% its week 6 since pistils showed and like 7 weeks from 12/12...
  6. newbie grow420

    cfl questions for flower

    2700k to 300k no BIG difference The light u have sound good I use 4 42w 2700k and 1 26w 6500k. for 2 plants
  7. newbie grow420

    grow these before,am i on right track for first indoor grow?

    20-20-20 Not good for floering cycle you need to research nutes you usaully need more P and a some K I use fox farms tiger bloom 2-8-4 I need some big bloom but its all I got for now I also use molasses Every other watering. You should really research your nutes IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE
  8. newbie grow420

    small plant yellow leaves

    I have screwed up my grow before but that shit is no where near normal that early on
  9. newbie grow420

    The bacon thread.

    This is a tuff 1 but I say cotton candy and/or watermelon
  10. newbie grow420

    small plant yellow leaves

    how close are your lights they looked cooked. Have you added any nutes? How often have you watered
  11. newbie grow420

    Are my plants useless? Aussie based.

    Get more light if you want buy some cfls to help the early stages for a light supplement until you decide to flower. when its fall for you just leave em outside let mother nature do her thing P.S. outside grow get bigger pots but later after they start to grow out of those pot don't get in a...
  12. newbie grow420

    Beginners question

    Check out cfl tutorial if you don't want to go with HID lights. These plants will grow in alot of fucked up situations The art is making them produce a good amount of thc and yeild. Just remember good lights good nutes air circulation water an some TLC and you will do fine. Get your first grow...
  13. newbie grow420

    drying/curing a sample

    well if you wrote this that means the scissors probably already hit the bud. I would say try drying the bud like u would when u harvest dark place with around 25% humidity(thats mine its dry here) it takes like 2 days for a small peice then jar it let it breath after a couple hours if it was dry...
  14. newbie grow420

    Are my plants useless? Aussie based.

    are u just using sunlight? because they look like you need some light and maybe a wind breaker if your using the sun
  15. newbie grow420

    windows in room

    There are alot of stuff you can use from plastic to cardboard its up to you just make sure it doesnt look out of place like foil looks like shit. You could try a dark tint film u put on the glass to block out a view of what your putting on the inside like tint film then black garbage bags it...
  16. newbie grow420

    What is this crap?

    My advice is post this again or bump during the day most experts (not all) are on during the day try that if you don't get a response. Also give your specs like watering schedule with nutes what kind how much and have you seen any insects in the garden?
  17. newbie grow420

    fan leaves

    No probs dude trust me it hard to kill these plants in soil. I broke the stem like I said and clipped alot of the fan leaves and its still packing on bud there is a big bulge where it broke like twice the size of the stem stoner scars. If you can try to do this a week before flowering just to...
  18. newbie grow420

    can i eat pot straight

    Try firecrackers if you don't want to do the canna butter or oil. Google rollitup firecrackers for the recipe.
  19. newbie grow420

    fan leaves

    See I think the jury is still out on this 1. I have read "don't ever cut" but I have heard as long as its not more than a 3rd or so of the fan leaves should be removed. I have tried the cutting of 2/3 of the plant and tried 1 with about a 3rd cut off the bottom ones. This does slow growth from...
  20. newbie grow420

    pineapple express

    attitude says genetics unknown. But it says citric smell and something else. I would guess its just another cross with some fruity weed that they slapped the name on but thats just a guess. I have not read about this strain at all. I suppose I could make a movie and have some killer shit on the...