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  1. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    I don't even know where to find that stuff...let alone who to do it with
  2. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    I would like to try shrooms..I think. I just want to try stuff with people who know what they're doing,and who will take care of me lol... And now I know never to have sex on e...that sound horrible!
  3. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    Well considering that I am still capable of tripping out from pot I might just do that haha...I kind of want the experience though. The girl I am going with is a TOTAL etard so at least I have an idea of what not to do lol
  4. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    Whats MAOI? And I heard it is 2 liters every that true? I know you can get water poisoning if you drink too much...
  5. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    I'm kind of nervous...My friend raves all the time and she has seen people die on the dance floor and tons of seizures...I hope I am not one of those fuckers...
  6. katie.

    I have a question about tripping...

    I am going to a Rave in Seattle on Friday..and I am going to try e lol. I hope I don't die : (
  7. katie.

    I have a question about tripping...

    Yeah, kind of. It was the best feeling ever haha. My whole body just felt amazing. It was really great though, I was with awesome people who talked me through it and helped me chill. I haven't smoke since then, it was last weekend, but I want to soon haha
  8. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    I'm not on any meds actually...someone told me it's just my lack of experience with drugs.. And why so hostile towards women?? We're not that bad :lol:
  9. katie.

    I have a question about tripping...

    Thanks for replying guys :) I know it was a dumb question, but I am a beginner! haha Maybe you could make a trip my way and smoke me out haha jk. Oh and thanks drobro ;-)
  10. katie.

    Hi, I'm Katie from Washington State :)

    Thanks for the welcome. Sorry if I offended anyone with the drug scene comment! I didn't mean it in a bad way : )
  11. katie.

    Have you ever taken E? I want to hear your experience.

    I am going to a rave next weekend, and I know that e is huge at those places. I am wondering if any of you have ever taken it. I get crazy affected my any sort of substance, for real, it doesn't take hardly anything to get me fucked up. Do you think I shouldn't take it because of that reason...
  12. katie.

    Hi, I'm Katie from Washington State :)

    Thanks ;-)
  13. katie.

    Hi, I'm Katie from Washington State :)

    Um...I live in Aberdeen, WA. People only know it cuz it's where Kurt Cobain grew up. He was a family friend actually haha. I am new to the drug scene period, pot and everything. I had a mild stint with weed my freshman year of high school..I guess I just missed the fun haha. Well, hopefully I...
  14. katie.

    I have a question about tripping...

    So I haven't really smoked very much...I know I'm in the wrong place anyhow I was hanging out with one of my friends and I smoke out of a bong for the first time and it was crazy..not very pleasant. First of all it was creeper weed so I smoked a shit load cause I thought it wasn't...