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  1. drochoker

    changing soil for transplant

    the soil i'm currently using the the miracle-gro potting mix. It says it feeds them up to three months, and mine have only been growing for 2 months. And i was thinking about this nute for my plants. Original All Purpose Formula Concentrate Plant Food Plus Micronutrients | Schultz | Walgreens...
  2. drochoker

    Update: CFL 31 days Flower (bagseed)

    I'm using 2 100 watt cool light and 1 45 watt warm light to flower with. I'm about a week into flowering and can only see very tiny crystals on the biggest leaves towards the top...maybe i'm not using enough light? haha idk
  3. drochoker

    growin' all over the house

    thats what i was wondering about actually if the cool vs warm light affected the flowering process (how long, how much bud, etc..) So how do you think i'll be flowering my plants with 4 45 watt CFL's? The warm light ones
  4. drochoker

    growin' all over the house

    i know i'm not using the right amount of light... (two 100 watt CFL's-daylight) (one 45 watt CFL-warm light) I plan on getting another y-splitter so i can add another 45 watt bulb. Will the flowering process actually take longer becuase of the lack of lighting?
  5. drochoker

    changing soil for transplant

    I have just ordinary miracle grow with some nutes. I ran out and all they had was Miracle Grow African Violet potting mix. Will the African Violet work for marijuana? Heres a link..
  6. drochoker

    growin' all over the house

    DAY 61 DAY 7 Flower They're growing well, and everything was good, until i found out i had a fuckin mouse in my closet!!! Is this normal?^^^how its brown in the middle? this asshole mouse is gonna die
  7. drochoker

    How To Cure

    putting in front of a heat vent or something...and it keeps it potency and can just smoke em faster should take around 4 days or so...depending on the strain
  8. drochoker

    when will she be ready to harvest

    the perfect time to harvest is when the stalk trichome is standing up straight, and is a light amber color. When the trichome starts to fall over and become a darker amber color, you may have gone too far
  9. drochoker

    A Newb and His First

    if you have a decently sized magnifying glass or can take the pics though it...and it focuses it close-up and clear
  10. drochoker

    growin' all over the house

    they're 2 months and 1 day old as of today. Day 7 of flowering...i think it was day 3 in those pics
  11. drochoker

    growin' all over the house

    DAY 56 DAY 3 FLOWER Well guys...I decided to start flowering 3 days ago I'm flowering with 2 100 watt daylight cfls. I have a total of 3000 lumens for 2 plants...i know, not enough right? Well I dont have any other ways to get a fixture of something to get more light...But I may be able...
  12. drochoker

    My Simple Setup

    are you using the "warm" light cfl's for flowering...or the "cool" light ones?
  13. drochoker

    Upside-Down` Grow

    my mom grew tomato plants upside down and they grew faster than in the ground. I dont see how it wouldnt work with pot...just as long as you have the proper amount of lighting and whatnot
  14. drochoker

    When will this site be done and running correct again uggg shouldnt the proper green or it was?
  15. drochoker

    12-12 1/2 way

    they've obviously gotta get somewhat bigger unless they die or somthin.. they've still got 4 more weeks...they could possibly double in size(buds) if you're lucky...but you wont be disappointed...just give it time
  16. drochoker

    flowering with cfls
  17. drochoker

    how to harvest vids?

    I cant seem to find any good videos on the proper way to harvest it. My cousin told me about a good one...the man in the video has long black dreds...white guy...i dont know but do any of you know what one i'm talkin about?
  18. drochoker

    flowering with cfls

    But my question wasnt answered...(i dont think atleast) so which ones would better my yield? the two 45's or the 2 100's?
  19. drochoker

    flowering with cfls

    haha i actually just put the plants on a stand and now they are much closer
  20. drochoker

    flowering with cfls

    thats all i got (plant on left drys up super fast for some reason...and is droopy sometimes when i check on it...i dont get it b/c the other one is just fine lol planted the seed on Jan 20th...its not doin bad for just one bulb...and i know its not the healthiest either