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  1. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    that's what everyone else was leaning towards too,i was so happy when I woke up this morning and turned my lights on,and since this morning pistils have been popping up so rapidly,ive already counted 4 more sets :) now comes the real fun haha
  2. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Quick update you guys,so at day 23 of 12/12 I have learned that im the happy father of a little girl :) haha
  3. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    yea I know they still use small amouts,every flowering nutes ive read up on they've always had small amounts of nitrogen in it,but I'll holler at ya later bro,I got a crawfish boil to get to :)
  4. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    I thought thats what it was.quick question,I know an abundance of nitrogen delays flowering,but does it completely halt the flowering process? Or does it just make it take longer time than average?
  5. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Thats whats up man,I haven't read up much on sugar leaves tho,dont they usually only start being produced during flowering?
  6. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    I vegged for 31 days but I only had 35 watts from two t8s so I think that might have had a little bit to do with the size.right now each top is working on three sets of nodes so im actually seeing pretty good growth with the cfls
  7. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    This is my little plant,im not exactly happy with it but im going to try and stick with it,one bad experience isn't enough to turn me away from growing,I already feel like anybody that looks at it is going to laugh lol
  8. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    I was trying to upload pics but it wouldn't attach the post,I'll post some up tomorrow when its lights on,peace bro
  9. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Hell yea bro i like the size of them,I know most people prefer shorter bushy plants but I grew up watching all my older friends growing 7 foot Christmas tree plants outside.I really need to get my grow box in better order considering the size of it i have the room to throw in two 400 watt hps.I...
  10. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    She's looking really good bro!mine is 52 days old as of today and i wish she was doing that lighting conditions were extremely poor during veg and it only grew to about 8" at day 26 then I topped it down to 6".by day 31 two new tops were formed so I decided to throw it into the 12/12...
  11. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Im not really worried about smell,if it comes down to it I have a box of carbon filters leftover from my old fishtanks filtration system that im sure I could find a way to rig up to an exhaust,at the moment I don't have an exhaust system at all but i leave the door on the front of my cabinet...
  12. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Im on the fence between the aurora and super skunk since the 10 pack cost the same.i'm a lil worried about smell but I don't think its that big of and issue because my bedroom where my grow box is isn't connected to the actual house,its in a shed at the back of the lot
  13. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    I found it on Amazon for $16 I think,and I was considering going with a skunk strain.I would love to have a plant thats so pungent it makes your nose hairs curl lol
  14. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Im just going to go with the pint to start with.after this run im only planning on running 2 plants per grow,and not knowing my genetics is a bitch so im going to order a 10 pack of aurora indica,germ and veg 4 to acount any males.if by some chances all 4 are fems,3 will go to flower and and the...
  15. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    No worries man,any input is noted and appreciated :)
  16. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Thanks alot man,thats actually the size I was leaning towards getting seeing as to how it wasn't that costly(grower on a budget) the only reason I haven't ordered any yet is because every dollar I get goes towards tickets,court costs and fines.ran into ALOT of trouble a few years back
  17. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    What size bottle would you recommend getting that would last for a good amount of time?
  18. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    I know,its way too much.a friend gave those nutrients to me saying it was a mix for flowering(last time I use nutes I don't buy myself) have you had good results with tiger bloom?
  19. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Well it had 31 days of veg but was severely stunted due to a low amount of light,I only had 35 watts,I think it was right at 4000 lumens.I upgraded my lights for flowering using 3 23 watt 1600 lumens 2700k cfl bulbs and three 42 watt 2800 lumen cfl bulbs,and to be honest I wouldn't mind having...
  20. bamaboy419

    first grow,need help sexing!

    Whats up man,after getting a little bit of information on the nutrients I was given by a friend that he said would help with flowering,I think its an over abundance of nitrogen.The ratios are cconsidering just ordering a bottle of tiger bloom and using what I have now to keep the...