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  1. C

    Hardmful weed lacing

    Do you mean you would advise AGAINST smoking that? or possibly would NOT advise smoking that. stoner.
  2. C

    A few questions about aeroponics?

    I do aero and it is my first grow. I am about a week into Flowering and haven't had many problems. I have ran out of water twice and my plants felt it but definitely didn't die. I am using the general hydroponics flora series of nutes. I have seen very nice growth. You can check out my...
  3. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Right now, I need to measure them. They have grown probably a couple inches since I started flower. I started flower when they were probably about 20".
  4. C

    1st Grow: Just some Bag Seeds, a Waterfarm and a guy that loves smokin LOL

    Yeah today is my 5 week mark, so that is.... 35 days? See how big they are in 15 days lol.
  5. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Okay so 2 are males. Fucking ass hole bitch... yeah So, my last one I think is a female. What should I do? I topped the other one and supercropped another, this one I didn't do shit with. It was the baby? damn. So is it too late to top it or anything? I started super cropping it already...
  6. C

    Waiting on Nivarna

    They also don't accept bootlegged porn as payment. They are a good company and you will get your seeds. Just chill bro, they are actually pretty quick too. What'd you order?
  7. C

    I really need someones opinion. +rep

    Do you mean $65.00?
  8. C

    1st Grow: Just some Bag Seeds, a Waterfarm and a guy that loves smokin LOL

    lmk if they are as big as mine in 10 days, lol. It's looking good bro! Is it feminized or do you not know yet?
  9. C

    Is it safe to post pics

    Well thank you for this, now I am thoroughly paranoid. I hope the gov't doesn't pull the same shit they did with alcohol. Let the fucking states decide!
  10. C

    What is the best hydro system?

    Well my roots are pretty long in my aeroponics setup so they are sitting in the nute solution. What does that make my grow? lol
  11. C

    What's up with Green Crack?

    Huh, my buddy actually was selling some the other day. He had trainwreck, diesel, green crack, and strawberry haze? Idk, I bought the diesel and trainwreck... both of which make ya really happy.
  12. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Ooooo, gay. So this morning I checked on them and I am pretty sure 2 of them are males.... I'm gonna wait a couple days to make sure then I'll kill them. :(
  13. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Hmm... maybe I'll take some pics today. I hope they don't shut off my power which would kill my plants.... :O
  14. C

    6site dwc ASAP!!!

    Just read as much as you can... that's the best advice.
  15. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Okay I started flowering 12/12 2 days ago and put the bloom nutes in. Trimmed up my plants a bit... lets see how my plants look a few weeks from now!
  16. C

    crippie what is it

    Crip is just high quality reefer. Anything bright colored that looks good is considered crip here. Specific strain names aren't really common.
  17. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Another update. Idk what the spots are on that leaf... It is an old leaf obviously and it is the only one showing but I still do not know what it is.
  18. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Hey guys, just updating here. I am not giving the plant the full nutes yet for veg but they are growing at an exponential rate! I also just set up my little yeast fermentation project for co2 today. We'll see what gains I receive from that. I do have a few Qs though. Is it okay if algae is on...
  19. C

    My first Aero build/grow

    Yeah any input on the seeds guys? Idk if any of them are going to germinate now. Maybe they are dead? What would you advise I do? Should I make clones or buy some more seeds? When does reefer start showing sex?
  20. C

    GH RainForest 66 ??

    I built my own aero setup. It only cost me about $40 minus the pump/light/nutes. You can take a look at my grow journal and I have a pic. If you have any questions feel free to pm me about it.