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  1. jockogreen

    Botched FIM

    Hey -- I tried to get to your gallery by going to your profile then clicking Photo Album. It took me to a page with a 404 error saying the page I'm looking for is unavailable. Is there something or some method I'm missing?
  2. jockogreen

    Botched FIM

    Makes perfect sense, Seamaiden. I think I was presuming the FIMmed leaves wouldn't grow back much, that I'd just be left with two branches at that node, plus two branches at the node below. Now that I think about it, it wasn't a very realistic presumption -- of course parts of the FIMmed...
  3. jockogreen

    Botched FIM

    Ahh, the road out of n00b-ville is fraught with detours and missteps. I fimmed a plant a few days ago, or rather, I tried to fim it. Instead, as it turns out I just mutilated it. Nothing she won't outgrow, but I think I wasn't bold enough in my fim-cut and did not remove enough of the leafy...
  4. jockogreen

    Arizona n00b's hot greens

    Thanks O4 -- the encouragement is appreciated. I know these plants prefer cooler temps, and thc tends to degrade in heat -- how much do you think that will affect potency in the end? I think I'll have to be extra vigilant when it comes time to harvest, be sure not to go past the buds' prime...
  5. jockogreen

    Arizona n00b's hot greens

    I'm in the 5th week of my first outdoor grow in Az. I've got 4 plants in pots -- 3 Ice from Nirvana and a feminized white widow from BDS. They have all sprouted and seem to be growing and healthy, except their growth seems very slow. I've got them in soil in one-gallon pots (MG potting soil...
  6. jockogreen

    My outdoor grow '08

    um... you sprayed your plants with 50% isopropyl alcohol? is that ever indicated? i would think that would cause some damage to the plants, if not kill them. i'm just askin'....