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  1. M

    Is this normal?

    ive decided to re do my grow box, well my mate wants to do it so hes going to build one but use LED ufo from vipar, as its only 1 plant i hope this would be enough, he is going to take the plant off me and im going to start from seed again, as the seed i popped already looks alot better than the...
  2. M

    Is this normal?

    what is hillarious??
  3. M

    Is this normal?

    this is how my lighting is set up, i started another seed as i thought this one was done for with it growing the way it is, the 4 bulbs are 13w 6500k intended for just 1 plant in there, ive just ordered 2 30w 6500k bulbs which i will add once they arrive.
  4. M

    Is this normal?

    the leaves underneath seem really small, how much light should i be useing. atm i have 4 13w 6500k bulbs and got 2 30w cfls on the way, im only growing 1 plant in my little box so was hoping this was enough?
  5. M

    Is this normal?

    my plant doesnt seem to be growing any taller but its growing alot of leaves etc underneath, is this normal? it did grow weird looking leaves but ive removed them, they were sort of half formed. when it sprouted it only had 1 leaf instead of the normal 2 and it looked like a blender blade. any...
  6. M

    Help please :(

    bumpin the thread
  7. M

    Help please :(

    here are some more pics, seems like some of the leaves that were normal are starting to turn weird. when it first sprouted from the seed, it did only make 1 leaf, i see lots of pics with 2 leaves straight away, as soon as it came out it it made 1 leaf that looked like a blender blade, could my...
  8. M

    Help please :(

    What should the humidity be at?
  9. M

    Help please :(

    and i was only spraying the leaves just before the lights go out to try and keep the moisture up within the grow area
  10. M

    Help please :(

    what would you suggest, with it being just 2 weeks old, would you kill it and start again?
  11. M

    Help please :(

    my temps range from 30 down to 24 during lights off, i am only growing this one plant in my wardrobe using soil. i will try and up the ph, im useing cfl's but im thinking of upgrading to led next week, only one of them ufo things, could anyone recommend any? thanks
  12. M

    Help please :(

    Hello all again, Would any of you nice people know why my leaves looks funny? looks like they are not forming correctly, ph is 5.8 according to my reader and my tap water is ph 5.5, i have not started to use nutes yet many thanks
  13. M

    Looking for some advice

    what do you mean by twisted growth?
  14. M

    Looking for some advice

    Bumping the thread :)
  15. M

    Looking for some advice

    thanks, the strain is called ultimate, i dont expect to get much off it just want the experience before i go out and spend loads on equipment altho ive spent about £150 so far excluding food, can you advise any that i could purchase, obv i wont need massive bottles since its only 1 plant?
  16. M

    Looking for some advice

    Hello all, i recently popped a seed (1.5 weeks ago) i used some sowing soil i got, it says it has enough food for the plants first 3 weeks, how can i tell exactly when it runs out, can i just start feeding it sooner, not really sure how its doing atm, it doesnt seem to be growing higher now...
  17. M

    No nutes, week 2 flowering, do i need?

    pretty sure you could just walk in to a hydroponics shop in the UK assuming as you used the £ and pick up exactly what you need for not that much or they will give you advice on what you need, from my experience they are pretty helpfull in them shops :)
  18. M

    Help please

    first pic is from 2 days ago and the second pic is from today
  19. M

    Help please

    thought i would post an update, seems to be growing ok, not sure tho ha, when do i start to give it nutes? the soil i used said it was good for the first 3 weeks, think im up to about a week now
  20. M

    Help please

    That prob won't fit. But I will have about 140 wats of cfl'a one all my bulbs come and I've fixed them up properly, I may move it to a bigger box once I find one just hoping what I've got ATM works for now. Ps it is on 18/6 ATM with my timer so it's on it's light cycle. I'm worried now that...