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  1. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    Exactley what he said
  2. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    I bought a couple of those cheap extension cords. The ones with the big 3 plugin square thing at the end. I cut that side off and connect the wires and used wire nuts to secure them. plugged them into the wall. Maybe ill post a pic to explain it better, but they are kinda hidden. You'll totally...
  3. L

    Anyone ever use that refelctive foil tape?

    Come to think of it thats exactley where I have seen it on ducting. I agree with you about the wall but I was thinking of using it to cover my veg cab.
  4. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    So my plants are doing pretty good for only being a little over a week old from seed. I noticed all 3 of my plants have purple stems. They all look very healthy. I did some searches didn't find any good answers and was wondering if you guys could tell me what it is from? Or if its something to...
  5. L

    Anyone ever use that refelctive foil tape?

    I was browsing around Home Depot, and saw a roll of reflective foil tape. No wrinkles very reflective and pretty cheap. Would this be a good alternative to using mylar? I figured since its flat with no wrinkles it wouldnt create any hotspots.
  6. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    They are 3 socket vanity fixtures from Lowes, $9.95 each. Bought a couple of cheap extension cords cut the end off each and just connected the wires, and plugged them in. They work great. I actually have 2 more of them you just cant see them in the pic and another 4 socket for when I go to...
  7. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    Thank you. Im sort of short of space just trying to get an idea of when to flower. Much appreciated.:peace:
  8. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    Nice, just wanted to make sure. Was going to use just the blues I had but, when I added the other 3 reds, the temp only went up .5 so I just left them in. Read on here countless times the more light the better.
  9. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    Ill try and keep this post updated weekly, after all this is only possible because of you guys/gals. :peace::blsmoke:
  10. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    yea since i threw the boxes away I dont remember the exact number but i thought it was around 9k-10k lumes at the moment. I have a few bigger 42watts and a couple 65watts for flower.
  11. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    Wow that pic doesnt do it justice. Its so bright almost hard to look at it.
  12. L

    New Grower What do you think? Pics

    So, I have been reading these forums for a few weeks now. This is not only my first grow but my first post as well. I'm doing this grow for experience only. Really dont mind if I am successful or fail as I have already learned a ton. I must thank you guys / gals in advance for the enormous...
  13. L

    New CFL Grower any advise

    Hey guys, This is my first attempt at growing. Ive been browsing these forums for a couple weeks now and I must thank you for all the great info on here. Let me just say up front that convincing my girl to let me go out and buy everything I needed was a task in itself. So in other words buying a...