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  1. K

    OK...realllly now??

    Google greenmans page it has some great info i had the same thing to except mine grew outside my bedroon window when i was 15
  2. K

    9 weeks flowering... pics ... first grow

  3. K

    9 weeks flowering... pics ... first grow

    Hey man try a light rail with a ligh mover to move from one end to the other my father in law uses one and it works wonders because all plants get good light every pass it make and for each end he has it stall at the ends so they get the right amount of light i think this will BE GRAT FOR HOW...
  4. K

    Check out my grow!

    I wouldnt cut your leaves at least until those branches grow alittle more
  5. K

    Do I need perlite?

    I used a 60 30 mix and it worked great
  6. K

    When do I go to 12/12

    Go another month then flower due to the little amount of light you have
  7. K

    OK...realllly now??

    There are many threads on this or try google
  8. K

    How much bud can a plant make?

    2 ounces under perect conditions with the right strain
  9. K

    big bang 7 weeks flower

    Does look pretty close to it o would say yours has a little more sativa in it do to how tall it is
  10. K

    Does it or does it not increase yield?

    If you have enough room turn the plant on its side and keep the main growing tip close to the round all the branches will produce huge collas rather than medium ones
  11. K

    big bang 7 weeks flower

    :cuss:ANYONE ELSE
  12. K

    Germinating seeds inside of Fruit

    I dont think it will have a long term affect due to the fact the fruit will rot away before flowering
  13. K

    Anyone know where to get seeds from

    2 weeks to hawaii
  14. K

    Dewby's First Grow

    With those fluros they need to be 2-4 inches from the tops
  15. K

    How often should I water my children??

    The plants are small still so maye a cup every couple of days i like to mist my plant when there small like that
  16. K

    Dewby's First Grow

    Hey man i used 8 4ft fluros and it looks pretty good so if you are on a budget go with fluros but if you have the money go bigger i have pix on one of my thread if u want to see the results
  17. K

    big bang 7 weeks flower

    Thanks man
  18. K

    big bang 7 weeks flower

    the strain is big bang from green house seeds, i far as medium gos the soil is organic it is called black gold and added perlite so about 60% soil and 40 perlite used fox farm for veg and botanicare for flower curently using 1 tbspn molasses until finish
  19. K

    How often should I water my children??

    How big are your pots and what kind of light and how big are they
  20. K

    big bang 7 weeks flower

    Anyone else have an opinion