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  1. pinned

    is my res big enough? also need to know where i can get something to auto top my res

    You can pick up a float valve from any hardware store for about $5, or you can buy one from a grow store for $25 - no kidding. I'm not familiar with the workings of your E&F system, but if your res. empties temporarily, only to refill once your cycle is done (like my aero system does), you'll...
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    Where to Get Large Plastic Reservoir for Aeroponic System

    Nah, I considered having the solution in the bottom of the container along with a pump, but the volume of the containers would require probably 100 gallons of nutes, instead of 15. I posted pics to clarify, after you responded.
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    Where to Get Large Plastic Reservoir for Aeroponic System

    None, they only house the roots, after each mist cycle the water returns to the res via pvc plumbing which threads onto the spigot visible on the bottom of the bottom container. This may help to clarify - the res is pictured in the foreground in one shot (black with feed / chiller lines...
  4. pinned

    Where to Get Large Plastic Reservoir for Aeroponic System

    Well, I have them in a 10' garage - but they can easily be cut right above any of the horizontal cross members that are visible in the pic - when they are sitting on 8" cinder blocks (with an added 4" base height), so that they drain into my res. the tops are roughly 32" off the floor -...
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    Where to Get Large Plastic Reservoir for Aeroponic System

    It sounds like you're building a variation of the same system I built a few months back - have you considered using a food grade corn syrup container like the one pictured? I have two of them I bought on craigslist - they're 40"x48"x24" tall. I chopped the tops off at the second horizontal cross...
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    flowering booster

    It will grow still, but more slowly - the high temps are making it stretch. If I can use a crude analogy - you don't see many 5'4" 450# people living in Zimbabwe, nor do you see many 6'6" 150# people living in Fargo.
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    What is the sweet spot for ph for hydro?

    5.8 - although I let my PH drift between about 5.4 and 6.1, since different nutrients become available at different values, and the window where they are all available is fairly narrow.
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    I am a new grower and Thinking about buying an aeroponic system HELP

    Here are my thoughts: The linked system looks reasonably solid, Mejuana is correct about the medium though. My system is similar in concept, although it looks much different and uses no medium. I used 2 275 gallon syrup containers I purchased on craigslist - chopped the tops off and replaced...
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    flowering booster

    I've read that temps above 85F will degrade THC, I am not sure if this is the case or how CO2 might play into this (since CO2 will help plants tolerate higher temps). I'd be interested in hearing the input of others with experience in this area. I have my AC set to kick on @ 83F to be on the...
  10. pinned

    The BIGGEST hydroponic system you've never seen....

    Great thread, thanks for taking the time to post it. I totally understand your frustration with this place, it stinks when you spend 10 or 20 minutes putting together a thread with complete info and such - only to watch dozens view it and not leave a single comment.
  11. pinned

    can you put ann aeroponic plant in dirt a full grown plant please help???

    I can't say if it will hurt it, but I do know of people who have transferred a 16" well rooted aero plant into a perlite / vermiculite mix successfully. I would think you'd be alright if you were gentle and had the soil moist.
  12. pinned

    Leaves drooping before lights out - LP aero system

    Hello, I've been searching and have found a bit of info on this elsewhere, but wanted to check here to see if anyone might offer some insight on my issue. My leaves begin drooping and take on a dull quality 3 or 4 hours before my lights go out (18/6). It appears that it is primarily the...
  13. pinned

    HEELPP!! did i over feed?

    Drip systems are fine, it's really just a matter of preference. Algae on top of your RW isn't too big of a deal - kinda looks bad, but shouldn't cause any issues. I'd flush your clone for a while, maybe a week or so - it looks pretty rough. It will tell you once it's ready for nutes again.
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    spider mites

    I've never had spider mites, but have heard good things about predatory mites:
  15. pinned

    How many people have had shitty bag seed grows/?

    I worked my butt off on my first grow with seeds a friend assured me were from "really good stuff", only to end up with about 6 ounces of mediocre tasteless bud that I was too embarrassed to share with anyone but my wife. It was a lesson I only had to learn once.
  16. pinned

    175w MH Can my clones take it?

    Are your clones rooted? I'd go easy, I wasn't thinking too clearly the other morning and moved my two cloners (one of which has light nutes with rooted clones) beneath my 400 hps, about 42" below the bulb. The rooted clones were alright, but those just starting to root in the second cloner...
  17. pinned

    Help! plants growing to tall

    Just looked at the pics again - train those puppies, you have plenty of space around the edges, this will help with light penetration and help to fatten up lower buds.
  18. pinned

    Help! plants growing to tall

    Bend your uppermost branches at 90 degrees until they crease and stay that way. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but they will mend themselves within a couple of days - I did not notice any decrease in growth rate when I did mine. I only did a couple on each plant every other day or so, since...
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    The Armageddon!!!

    I can't address everything, but I have had good luck using mosquito dunks to deal with fungus gnats, they're non toxic (bacteria, actually). The mosquito dunks are sold in Home Depot / Lowes and a lot of other places and cost a few bucks. I was talking with a shop owner just last week that...
  20. pinned

    Please help!!!

    I realize it's already been touched on, but figured I'd add my .02 anyhow. Did you flush your RW before starting? I fought my system for awhile, my PH would creep nearly a full point every day. Once I figured out my issue and flushed for a couple of days, the associated problems cleared up and...