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  1. L

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Ehh Dunno :D But I got Canna a + B + Rhizotonic CannaZym + PK 13/14 Thats It :9 I just follow the recipe ^^ Edit: + COCO mix: This Dude with some pellets, small rocks :) At the buttom
  2. L

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Thank :) I have never use it yet, until now I just made a 13 liter mix. They did say 35ml, but i just used 26 or so... My plants are (lcloning 8 days) + 12 days = 20 days or so.. But I have given the other stuff.... once So, does it sound ok, or shall i reduse it? or get more.. :) Edit...
  3. L

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hi The website Canna says to add - CannaZym (with every watering, but my friends have been told + in the shop that is much, and I must take it easy on it. Whats do you say from For 10 liters I got 18ml Canna A, 18ML CANNA B + Rhizotonic 14ml. CannaZym 40mil...
  4. L

    Humidity question

    8 days in a cloning box :) 10 days in the tent so 18 days... They are around 12cm 12 cm = 4.7 They are light Green in color, I do have a Carbon filter that sounds like an airplane, I turned it off to get the humidity higher and will turn it on during the flowering... I am up to 27 in H now...
  5. L

    24H a day?

    Ah k, thx :)
  6. L

    24H a day?

    "During the GROWTH PHASE, the light period should be a minimum of 18 hours. The light can be continuous during the growth phase (24 Hours per Day) with profound effects. " I got this from Ehh, I was told it was 18h in the grow phase, and...
  7. L

    Humidity question

    Well, there is winter outside, And the hole building is sentral heated, that migtht explain it or?
  8. L

    Humidity question

    Thank you...
  9. L

    Humidity question

    18h of light they are 10 days old, 0+(10 days) cloning) Man, I have been doing it to often, bha... Thats why they was yellow, I had to feed them, and within 20h they got their green color back... Thx man, any more tip? :)
  10. L

    Humidity question

    Ah thx will do.. Is it a good idea o spray them every 4h with water?
  11. L

    Humidity question

    Hi I cant get the humdity higher than 25 :sad: I got one humidifier going 24/7 but around 25+ is all I get out of it... Bha Any tips how to get it higher? Is 25 to low, I heard 60% is the best or?? Lykken Btw I use a telt. Edit: Is it ok to spray them with water every 4h? or so...
  12. L

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Ah, sorry my cell phone is dead atm :/ But, it was not as bad, just the Biggest plants was yellow, and the Brown tip, is the lack of B, " BORON (B)Growing shoots turn grey or die. Growing shoots appear burnt. Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid (sold as eyewash) per gallon of water" So, if...
  13. L

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    I hope so, I just gave them, 5 h ago, so the PH probelm is not the problem then :) How long shall wait before I can see any improvements ? :) Thx m8
  14. L

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Hi I have a problem :) 1/10 EDIT of my plants are yellow (the biggest) I grow in coco. I did not read your coco thread before now. When I started i forgot to ph 6 when I cloned (ph 8 and when I gave the first water it was around 6.5 They are about 10 days in after cloning... I did not...
  15. L

    Noob need help/input

    Ok thank you all...
  16. L

    Noob need help/input

    Yes, 600 under cloning, but they was in a plastic box, with lots a vapur etc.. So, the problem started there ? Now the y have 2 600w :/ Overkill perhaps?
  17. L

    Noob need help/input

    Aha moisture stress I do give them lots of water, and do spray water one them every 3h, so dont do that then? thx Edit: I have given them max water 2 times. (3-4 days wait) In the first days just a little.
  18. L

    Noob need help/input

    After cloning that went ok. One week I am into my second week (9 days) I have a tent 2 600w lamp + 2 fans + and a vapour monasteries (hot air) I have given them nothing but COCO mix and the root booster at cloning. The pots are medium small... The plants are yellow/light green I believe...
  19. L

    Hi Vets :)

    Thank you The soil is COCO.. So, 2 weeks after they got their "first" soil.. :)
  20. L

    Hi Vets :)

    Hello I am from Scandinavia and just got my "set" :) After a cloning. I am 6 days into the next stage with pot fresh soil... But, the only food I have given em so far is the "root" thing :hug: + soil So.. My question is when do I give them "food" I have been told to wait, but I just...